Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I Still Don't Believe It

I made my peace about not getting a call Monday and came clean that I had entered a contest and lost.
Yesterday I was working the Jr. High registration helping at the Booster table when I saw a 312 number on my phone. A woman said she was from WLS 890 AM and asked if I had ever been paid to be on the radio and if I had ever paid to be on the radio (I didn't know you could pay to be on the radio). I replied no to both questions. The woman then told me I was one of the 10 finalist.

I could not wrap my mind around what she said. I called my husband, he told me that I just won him $10, good news, wait who bet against me? I was beaming like an idiot the entire time I was working. I had no words to tell the friends that I encountered. How did I get picked? The top ten will have their bios and pictures posted and the 5 with the highest votes make it to a live broadcast. I am thrilled but terriffied.