Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I wish I could sing.....

I love pro-American lyrics in fact I get tears in my time every time I hear The National Anthem. If only God had given me the gift of voice, I would be heard from sea to shining sea each time The Star Spangled Banner is played, when I forget that I can't sing I pitty for the person directly in front of me at a game, sorry. Today I participated in a Tea Party Rally (Taxed Enough Already) in Lisle, my hometown. It was scheduled to start at noon, I arrived at 11am because I figured parking would be a nightmare. From the moment I passed over the bridge to enter Community Park the atmosphere was warm and inviting, folks waving signs and directing traffic to the designated parking lot. I had not prepared a sign so I used that time to make one. Picture everyone draped in red, white and blue, flags waving crowded together to protest the current situation in Washington. There were speakers on the agenda with patriotic songs and parodies playing in between. When I heard Lee Greenwood's God Bless America I had to sing and during the chorus ".. and I"ll gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.." I waved my sign high over my head rocking in rhythm with tears in my eyes. I stood there surrounded by like minded Americans and I could not stop smiling. As I visually scanned the crowd I saw a black man, wow and then I a saw a second one but my jaw dropped when I saw a black woman with her young daughter holding a sign with a message asking Washington if they wanted her arm and leg too. It's not easy being a black conservative, one armed paper hangers have it easier. We are a rare sighting like big foot and UFOs,  actually those are more common. I listened to Chairman Steele on talk radio this morning and emailed him immediately in support of a black Republicans. I made my way through the crowd to introduce myself to the "sister" but she took her daughter to the bathroom and I had to leave. My democratic pro-Obama family thinks I was switched in the hospital or dropped on my head, they don't understand how I could be a Republican and as Christians I'm at a loss trying to reason how they support a person this with radical abortion beliefs. I am fed up and fired up, Obama is a one hit wonder we must work to keep him from a second term.