Friday, May 29, 2009

It Must Be Nice To Be A Liberal

I am a political junkie, every since 1993 when I purchased a car that didn't have FM radio, I found WLS and I was hooked. I was a Rogers Park liberal that voted for Clinton and Carol Moseley-Braun. In 1994 I moved to a Republican county but it took years for me to convert. In 1998 I was finally done with the Democratic party. When the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal broke and the Democrats stood by him because he was a "good president" I realized there was no place in that party for a person like me. I repeatedly heard that his behavior was of the personal nature and his job was totally separate. When I was a teen working at McDonald's a manager shocked me by kissing the back of my neck. I felt unsure about what to do but I reported him to a manager, within hours the owner was involved and that person was fired. I could never justify Clinton's actions and choice to dishonor his wife and daughter. "He's only human, don't judge", It must be nice to stand by set of inconsistent values. "Tommy" was in charge of who was working the fry station during the lunch rush and he was fired, Clinton was the leader of the free world but I was supposed to over look the his actions and forget he lied. As a liberal you can do whatever you desire and even if you fail miserably it's OK because of your good intentions and no one will judge you, it must be nice.

Liberals believe that the circus is cruelty to animals, the extremist will chain themselves to a tree to prevent it from being chopped down and don't get me started on the campaign to close Guantanamo Bay but abortion is acceptable. How can pouring water on a terrorist who is capable of boarding a crowded bus filled with innocent people and blow it to smithereens is worst than stopping a heartbeat of a baby. Do they know where babies come from, embryos are human beings? It is the choice of the woman, so if I am 6 months pregnant and drunk driver hits me on my way to an abortion clinic and my baby dies is that murder? Abortion is child abuse. I wonder if one of those nuts saw an endangered baby seal in the road next to a human baby and no choice but to hit one what would they do?

They create programs to "help" the poor. Free lunches, government housing, public-aid and my favorite affirmative action guidelines. They have ruined the poor community by not allowing the caterpillar to fight and struggle its way from the cocoon, the wings never develop therefore stunting its growth. The liberal agenda is to remove choice from our normal lives. The government it our savior and will take care of all of our needs. What do kids on free breakfast and lunch programs eat during Christmas, Easter and summer break? Public assistance is wonderful to give people help when they encounter hard times, but why do recipients get an increase for having more children? They should be helped until youngest is school age and given bonuses if they are willing to get the birth control shot. I have never received a raise for popping out a baby, in fact during one pregnancy I worked for a 4 star hotel and never even got flowers. At the end of my pregnancy I worked 10-12 hours and could barely fit in the elevator and what did I get, nada, zilch, it must be nice.

Obama's Rev. Wright is back in the news making racist remarks as usual. One of my favorite libs said to me today, "I never knew Wright said white people created AIDS to kill black people". I am so close to filing a class action suit against folks that voted for him dispite knowing nothing about his history or views on the core issues. Defenders have said, "He really didn't attend that church regularly but he just joined for political reasons". He named his first book after one of Rev. Wright's sermon, he was a member for 20 years, Rev. Wright was a father figure, he married Obama and baptized his children, but when Obama was asked about Wright's hate speeches Obama said he had never heard those sermons. Not one of his supporters can explain why he never got called on how he sat somewhere for 20 years with selective hearing or why he pretended to belong to a church he didn't really attend. Remember being a liberal means you don't have to explain hypocrisy, I don't know why but they just don't, it must be nice.

It must be nice to allowed to talk out of both sides of your neck and not be held accountable but I would rather be live by a set of core beliefs. I believe the government's role is not to give us rights, the government role is to protect our God given rights PERIOD. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I realize that some liberals might get offended by the many things I have expressed but the use of the word "liberal" really gets under their skin. Democrat and Republican cannot define a person's affiliation because the terms are to broad. I am a Ronald Reagan conservative and I don't mind if I am labeled as such. Don't get your undies in a bunch, if you are a liberal. If you are not sure if you are a liberal I will define liberal in a future blog, coming soon.

PS - After that McDonald's manger got the boot I was promoted :).

Monday, May 25, 2009

Thank A Veteran

I love America and respect the veterans and active military. In a day and age when it is common to paint them as terrorist, poor uneducated folks who joined because they had no choice or simply not worthy of our praise I am shocked that young people are still joining and are eager to serve our country. In January on a return flight I was seated next to a striking young woman wearing fatigues. I choked and said nothing, I never told her that I am in awe of anyone who is willing to give their life so that my family can sleep at night and not have bombs dropping in our neighborhood. I wanted to ask what her motivation was for serving, what her job was or what were she was stationed. It was like I was sitting next to a celebrity. I have never thanked my neighbor who has a huge Marine flag in front of his home. Often the veterans from World War II are referred to as the greatest generation due to their bravery and courage but I think this new crop of military may become known for what they have done to protect our country from a very different enemy. In the past our foes were obvious but currently we are up against a movement that wants to destroy our way of life, they attack the freedoms and beliefs that have made our country the greatest place to live on the planet. We are so blessed, don't just thank a vet, hug a vet.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Always Eat The Burnt Toast

Yesterday on the radio the host encourage listeners to call and share what their mothers taught them. I started thinking what would I say with a 5 minute platform. My mom taught me everything since she raised us alone. The one thing that sticks with me daily is "put your children first".

In the 70's my mother who never finished high school but decided to make a financial sacrifice and pay for private schools. In kindergarten we lived in the building of a woman who sent her children to a Lutheran school so my mom sent me there. Midway through first grade we moved with my mom's pretend sister, so we went to a public school with her children. It was the longest year of my life, bullies, disruptive students and a sub par curriculum. When I arrived I was so advanced, I was labeled the smartest kid in the class. Midway through the second grade we moved to a woman's building that sent her children to a Catholic school so we were sent there. I arrived there one of the dumbest kids in class. I was so far behind in reading that I was enrolled in a special program. I attended the sessions until 4th grade and remember being teased for having "special reading". I later got revenge by being named salutatorian giving me the honor of delivering the welcome address at graduation. We would remain at that school until 8th grade, even though we moved a couple of times.

 My mom was very young and most of her friends sent their children to the local public school. Her friends drove new cars and my mom had a beat up station wagon. Her pretend sister had the biggest, latest television with a remote control, our set came from Salvation Army and we used pliers to change the channel. I don't know if her friends ever told her she was stupid for paying for our education when CPS was offering the same thing for free but we heard it from the neighborhood children that taunted us in our plaid skirts. Even then I knew my brown uniform was a badge of honor, I didn't understand exactly how we were better off but I knew we had an advantage.

Regina always had a strong work ethic no matter what was happening in her life she got a job, worked hard and advanced. She moved us to better apartments every time her pay increased allowed us to "move on up". As a busy working mom she was always running late trying to prepare breakfast, get us dressed and get to work on time. She burned the breakfast at least once a week. When the toast popped out too dark she would replace it with a new piece of bread and put the burnt toast aside. My mom grew up hungry, she couldn't throw food away so she quietly ate the burnt toast. We never went hungry and never lived in government housing. My mom is the epitome of the great American story, she lost her mom at 13, shuffled between relatives and foster homes, had a baby at 17 (me) and another 19 (same dad), married for a brief time finally producing a son but was devoted to making sure we did better than she did. We were Girl Scouts, traveled to Disney World and for years she sent us to tap and ballets lessons on Michigan Ave. We were never idle, seven days a week were off to either school, scouts, choir practice, dance rehearsal, skating rink or a movie. Looking back I should have taken the piano lessons when she offered instead of tap and ballet that was very painful, I am happy that video cameras were not invented yet.

I graduated from a private high school and next Sunday her first granddaughter will graduate from a private university, God is good. My mom and sister think I don't remember the lean years and everything she did for us, in fact they think I was switched at birth because of my political views. During the last presidential election season Mommy and I fought endlessly and she didn't understand how I could be so defiant, I know how, she put me in a uniform skirt with my skinny ankles, on the westside of Chicago. I had to explain almost daily why my mother so dumb to waste money on private school. Note, brown plaid was never in fashion in the ghetto, it was like wearing a bulls eye. 
Happy Mother's Day Mommy. I thank my mom for skipping the Cadillac and investing in us and I thank the nuns and priest of Our Lady of Lourdes for making us appreciate the privilege of a private education.