Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Reagan Wayne

Five years ago I started this day checking into Good Samaritan Hospital for a c-section. After four years of loss I thought that day would be a sad one. Both my parents were there to welcome the latest addition which made me feel comfort and fear at the same time. I kept thinking they would be the first to console me if things went wrong. When the nurse attempted to shave my tummy the clippers died, I was convinced that was a sign. All during the pregnancy I thought every check-up was going to lead to bad news. I had weekly ultra-sounds the end of my pregnancy, each week my doctor would say, "You have a fine looking boy" but I was still nervous.

Once inside the delivery room I was a wreck but remained calm on the surface. There is a funny tale of how I lost my balance on the operating table, grabbed for support and groped the anesthesiologist. We were all talking about Bill getting a vasectomy, that guy spoke up and confessed to having had one only for me to feel him up, those tables are very narrow.

Of course the day was filled with blessings. Reagan Wayne was beautiful and because of my regiment to control my blood sugars he weighed less than any of my children. I still gave in to my cravings but I rode a stationary bike after each trip to my favorite dive. Harold's Chicken Shack made a mint that year.

This is an un-official notice to the parents of kindergarten children that will enter Lisle School District 202 next year and spend the next 13 years as Reagan's classmates. I spent four years of hoping for a miracle thinking time was running out and then I was given the opportunity to be Rey's mom, therefore I think the sun rises and sets on this little piece of heaven. I know all parents feel this way but I am still in disbelief that he is here. I think he can do no wrong and even if there is videotape evidence =0). Seriously, I know he is just a kid that will go on to have moments of praise and times of scolding but thanks to my experience I will cherish every moment.

My team of doctors treated me like royalty and made my dreams come true. Though I was blessed with a talented specialist at one point I rushed to Target to buy a home monitor to hear Rey's heartbeat because I felt that there was no way I was bringing home a baby. I scrambled to use the device in my van in right there the parking lot, after a failed attempt to hear the heartbeat I turned it over to God. It was clear that a $20 device had nothing on God. My dear friend Kim Robinson reminded me that this story was in His hands and it was going to have a happy ending.

I confess to treating him like a baby some 5 years later, why not? I understand that at some point he will be too big to carry but for now I label that strength training. He has more nicknames than all four other kids combined, how many ways can you say happiness, which happens to be one of his pet names. I love all my kids but even the other four would tell you that Rey has made our family complete.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Funny People

This movie is funny but not for children. I have kids 24-4 and I would not have felt comfortable with any of them sitting in a theater. You know how some R rated films are peppered with a few words or gestures that are borderline racy this film is not one of those. Not for children. I recommend this movie if you enjoy Judd Apatow and his crew of regulars this will make you laugh. Adam Sandler proved his range of funny to extremely serious. The story goes behind the curtains to show the life of a stand-up comic. The lead character played by Sandler is a huge success but somewhat of a sellout for making mindless movies that allow him live quite well. He is diagnosed with a blood disease, his only hope is to try Canadian experimental drugs. He evaluates his priorities, after all his great success his person life suffered and he was alone. He hires a fresh up and coming comic Seth Rogen to be an assistant/joke writer. Their relationship becomes a friendship. I enjoyed watching the process of how comics develop concepts and tweak them into funny jokes. If Godfellas went on record for using the f word more than any other movie Funny People uses penis/balls/ball sack more than I could count, be prepared. It's difficult for me to review without spoiling the plot but realize this film is not just a comedy it deals with some serious issues of difficult life choices. To forgive or not to forgive that is the questions quite a few times. There are a couple scank moves by the female characters, sad. Be prepared for this movie to stop instead of it ending. Go and see Funny People.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Flash Of Genius

Greg Kinnear portrays the lead character in a film based on the true life story of Robert Kearns an inventor who sued the Ford Motor Company for stealing his invention of the intermittent windshield wiper. Kearns was a PHD, college professor and a family man, in good faith he entered into a deal with Ford to buy the wipers he and his children would produce. Ford backed out of the agreement and 18 months later Kearns saw a Ford Mustang with his wipers driving down the street. The story is a classic David and Goliath tale of the little guy not backing down when battling a company with unlimited resources, the process was 12 years long. He was told by everyone from business partners to family members that it was a fight he couldn't win. He has a mental breakdown and loses his job. Kinnear is amazing as the everyday family man that has a flash of genius. Dr. Robert Kearns had a deep rooted set of ethics. It is a simple story that rouses emotions of excitement, disbelief, sadness and rage. It is a family friendly film.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Black Professor, A White Cop And The Bi-racial President

On Thursday July 16, 2009 a neighbor called 911 to say she saw 2 men entering a home. A white officer responds and encounters the black professor who had trouble entering his own home, the second man was the taxi driver. If you read the police report it sounds legit. Immediately this was painted as a typical case of a racist white cop and his brutality against the black man. I understand that there are racist people in the USA but every time a white cop interacts with a black civilian he or she is not automatically a racist, sorry this may be a shock to the folks that blame the white man for everything bad that has ever happened to the black community.

Obama had not heard the entire story when he replied to a reporter who asked what his thoughts were, he admitted to being a friend of the professor and said the Cambridge PD had acted stupidly. Later we learned this cop happens to have the support of his fellow officers and his union, this guys trains police officers about racial sensitivity. There is nothing in his file that indicates this man hates black men in America. Obama chose to once again address the issue but didn't apologize. He said both sides overreacted and invited both men for a beer at the White House. Of course he had to remind us that this is still a sensitive issue for blacks.

Let's pretend a white president had called a black officer stupid and failed to apologize after it was proven that the officer was simply doing his job. Do you think for a nanosecond he could get away without a formally public apology on the steps of a Historically Black College while handing two checks to both Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton simultaneously.

I am insane because I keep doing the same thing expecting different results, I tuned into a liberal talk radio show. Surely the callers would say stuff like, "I love me some Obama but he should apologize" or "Wow, maybe Obama had a flash back to when he was a victim of racism which is why he chose his words". Hold on to your wigs, I had to listen to ridiculous callers that said, the neighbor was a racist and didn't want blacks in her neighborhood and the cop had to know who he was but his ego prevented him from just walking away or my favorite was the cop should be charged with a felony and finally how dare the cop expect an apology from Obama, he is The President of the United States he doesn't have to apologize to a low ranking police officer. I assume this angry mob listened just like me as the liberal host read the report before he opened the phone lines but somehow they and the host felt like the cop was the villain.

The liberal hags on the View this week spoke out before all the information was revealed, Sherry Sheperd said, "This just proves that the only safe black people are the four living in the White House". I don't know how Elizabeth keeps from yelling out,"(---insert host name--) you ignorant slut", when one of those dingbats shares her thought for the day. I would need the Meryl Streep scrub down from the movie Silkwood after sitting next to them for fear that stupidity could be airborne.

Obama was 100% wrong for speaking out before knowing the facts and he should not have called a policeman stupid, officers are at risk daily when walking into unknown situations. I will wait for the white equivalent of Jessie Jackson to hold a press conference demanding justice. Some will argue that blacks can't be racist, so what do you call it when the black professor yelled out and accused the white officer of being a racist and made reference to the officer's mom? Revenge?

Obama sat at a racist church for 20 years, when questioned he said he could never deny Rev. Wright anymore than he could the black community or his white grandmother that had been known use racial stereo-types, he later separated himself from that church, way to stand by your principle. His supporters never called him on that incident and I will bet my Dick Cheney VP lapel pin (awarded to my husband when he fed him at Northern Illinois University) that they give him a pass this time also. When will the healing begin?

Today Monday, July 28, 2009 we learned that the neighbor who was doing a good deed hired a lawyer. Just like they did with Joe the Plumber the left-wing media will crawl all up in her business and try to prove she had some hidden agenda, maybe they will find her great-great-great-grandfather owned a slave. Of course Rush was crucified for saying that Obama is angry black man, well isn't he? I argue that he attended Trinity for 20 years, I heard one sermon and it made me angry. The White house said Rush was fanning the flames, Obama and the professor dragged race into this issue. If that cop was black would this story still be in the news? Dennis Miller said, "You can judge a person by the character of their enemies."

Thursday, July 2, 2009

They Are Coming To A Town Near You Soon

Each year summertime brings food, fireworks, family and friends, it's a tradition but wait there is one more, carnivals. The trucks have made their way down the main street of our small town and set up the rides, games and the strange group of employees. If we can have a successful company called College Painters why can't we have College Carnies, you know a clean cut group of kids in buttoned down shirts from local universities eager to travel and provide wholesome service to nearby communities but no. (Warning, if you or anyone you know works or have worked for a carnival company and the following description does not apply to that person, great have them come to Lisle because our carnies are scary.)

As you nibble on your over-priced elephant ear take the time to gaze at the employees of the carnival company. They should be easy to spot, they are wearing a purple or royal blue polo shirt that is either too big or too small and wear black jeans, I have always wondered why they don't mandate khaki shorts it's 95 degrees. The ratio of teeth to tattoos is 1:1 and finally there is a cigarette hanging out of their mouths. What other job allows you to work with children and smoke at the same time, open air, travel and all the corndogs you can eat, the perfect dream job. No normal people need apply.

My favorite carnies are the ones working the games, they yell to get your attention as you hurry by, "Come and try your luck" or "Hey Miss Lady" is what they say when a "sister" (black woman) walks past. Last year my son and his buds complained to the worker because they won twice and was told it didn't count. When they told potential suckers/customers to stay away, the carnie yelled things I cannot type. They were just 11 year old smarty pants kids who did not deserve what they got.

They are often dirty and unpleasant but these individuals are invited by authorities to our community each summer. How many are on parole or are wanted by the police? I am not a snob but these people could not complete the screening process of your local fast food restaurant but yet they are allowed to work with our most precious possessions, our children.

Safety is another issue, they assemble these attractions weekly which should mean they are experts at meeting the regulations. My friend and her son were electrocuted by a live wire touching a metal fence, thank God they survived but they were not met with kindness and concern. No offense when I saw a one armed senior citizen with a cigarette I thought this guy doesn't care if there is left over screw labeled, "important".

I love the day after the fest closes and I drive past the coin operated laundry and see the trailers parked there. They are washing loads of polos and jeans before heading to the next sleepy town.

I must confess that have not gone to our fest yet so maybe this year will be different from the last 15, I can only hope.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Michael Jackson and BET Tribute

Before I shred the 2009 BET Awards I must say I am impressed with how quickly they pulled together the performers who learned a Michael Jackson song and or dance routine to honor him. Now on to Michael Jackson's death and the 24 hour coverage. I grew up with a sharing a room with a play cousin (not really related) who is 2 year older and we would drift off each night talking about what we were going to be when we grew up. Cindy was going to Hollywood to be a singer and she was going to marry Michael Jackson. I believe Michael was a musical genius and one of the best entertainers we have ever seen.

We are caught of guard by his sudden death but talk radio host Bill Cunningham said it best, Michael did not cure cancer, bring peace to the Middle East and most of all he is not a person we would want our children to immolate. Yes he toured the world causing fans to fill stadiums, drop to their knees and cry but you would be hard pressed to find anyone to trade places with Michael Jackson. It would be even harder to fine anyone that would allow him to babysit their children. I know that he was never found him guilty of those charges but once cash exchanges hands it looks like hush-money.

If you remove the accusations of child molestation he was still very strange and that's ok most artist are quirky. There is a long list of entertainers that have danced to their own music but if you choose to sleep in an oxygen chamber, cover your children with colorful scarfs, marry Elvis's daughter, pay someone to have your children and keep the kids from their mothers you should expect some criticism. I understand why the E channel would have 24 hour wall to wall coverage but the news stations need to concentrate on what is going on in Washington D.C., they may try to pass the healthcare bill during the funeral.

Ebony and Jet magazine were created when black America did not have a voice but when the modern black media refuses to cover negative aspects of black celebrities and scream racism when "they" cover the incidents it is not fair. I want to know the good and bad of what any public figure does, if you are famous and accept all the money and perks, guess what we are going to call you out if you marry your step-daughter, I wish would ever watch another Woody Allen movie and I find it creepy that actors will work with him and fans still want to support his projects.

I mention race because Jamie Foxx mentioned "black" so much during the award show that paid tribute to Micheal Jackson. He said that MJ was our black man loaned to others but he is our black man. "We have a great black president" and "Make some noise black people" are just a couple of quotes. They could have truly honored Micheal if the show was not focused on promoting Jamie Foxx's up coming tour, "Blame it on the alcohol" is a very positive message for black people. They were honoring a great performer but Jamie told a penis joke and talked about having unprotected sex during an HIV commercial, very tasteful.

Back to the Jackson family and the pain of such a sudden loss. Families commonly reunite and stick together during times like this but they had a distant relationship with him at best. I remember an interview with Janet months after the birth of Prince and she had never seen the baby, they were rich enough to fly anywhere in the world and she had not met her nephew. Reports are that those children didn't know the Jackson family and I only hope that is not true. It is horrible when any child loses a parent but normally they have had a relationship with extended family members to help with the healing. Joe Jackson obviously in deep sorrow, used his interview on the red carpet as an opportunity to say he wishes that the world had recognized Micheal's talent when he was alive, huh? and he is working on a Blue-ray project, more information later,"Always be closing", (Glengary Glenross).

I had never watched the BET awards so I don't know the flow of a normal show and who gets honored. I don't know why LeBron James brought 2 people on stage to accept his award and thanked Micheal for what he did for basketball, I had no idea he played or was he thinking they were honoring Michael Jordan? Most of all I want to know what happened to Lil Wayne and T-Pain during their childhood. T-Pain said during his speech, "You know what I'm saying" and the answer was no, I had no idea. My sister would say they are poets of modern hip-hop, I never liked poetry.

I picture Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton stuck in the doorway of the Jackson mansion trying to squeeze in to be named official spokesperson of the family. Those 2 had to clear their schedule of what I don't know since they seem to make a living hogging the spot light and turning everything into a racial conflict. They must keep a bag packed like a pregnant woman ready to leave and give birth at anytime, you never know when a poor black stripper trying to make a descent living might get rapped some rich white boys.

Rest in peace Micheal your music touched the world and made so many stop, think and feel. He is the King of Pop.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Sister's Keeper

We heard that the ending was altered and the reviews were lukewarm but our book club loved the novel and we had to see this film. The cast was A-1 but if you think it is the Abigail Breslin show you are wrong. Abigail is great but the young woman that plays Kate is amazing. If Sofia Vassilieva is not nominated for an Oscar I will be disappointed, every time she was on the screen I cried. Spoiler alert, you need to bring lots of tissue, you will ugly cry, I am talking Terms Of Endearment level of tears. My face was in pain from trying to hold back in the presence of friends. If you read the book you will probably wish they had true to the original story. If you have not read the book and you need a good cry, go. If you want to witness the tale of a mother willing to do anything to save her daughter, go see this film. In the news we hear of moms drowning kids to be with a new boyfriend but this woman was a determined mama bear willing to rip out the throat of anyone who got in the way of her mission, she wants to save her child. Jason Patric is great as the dad and Cameron Diaz in her first role as a mom is awesome. Many families experience the pain of having chronically ill children and this film allows you to see the day to day pain and the heart wrenching choices they are forced to make. If I never read the book I would give it 4 stars but I read the book so I am forced to give it 2 and 1/2 stars.

Friday, May 29, 2009

It Must Be Nice To Be A Liberal

I am a political junkie, every since 1993 when I purchased a car that didn't have FM radio, I found WLS and I was hooked. I was a Rogers Park liberal that voted for Clinton and Carol Moseley-Braun. In 1994 I moved to a Republican county but it took years for me to convert. In 1998 I was finally done with the Democratic party. When the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal broke and the Democrats stood by him because he was a "good president" I realized there was no place in that party for a person like me. I repeatedly heard that his behavior was of the personal nature and his job was totally separate. When I was a teen working at McDonald's a manager shocked me by kissing the back of my neck. I felt unsure about what to do but I reported him to a manager, within hours the owner was involved and that person was fired. I could never justify Clinton's actions and choice to dishonor his wife and daughter. "He's only human, don't judge", It must be nice to stand by set of inconsistent values. "Tommy" was in charge of who was working the fry station during the lunch rush and he was fired, Clinton was the leader of the free world but I was supposed to over look the his actions and forget he lied. As a liberal you can do whatever you desire and even if you fail miserably it's OK because of your good intentions and no one will judge you, it must be nice.

Liberals believe that the circus is cruelty to animals, the extremist will chain themselves to a tree to prevent it from being chopped down and don't get me started on the campaign to close Guantanamo Bay but abortion is acceptable. How can pouring water on a terrorist who is capable of boarding a crowded bus filled with innocent people and blow it to smithereens is worst than stopping a heartbeat of a baby. Do they know where babies come from, embryos are human beings? It is the choice of the woman, so if I am 6 months pregnant and drunk driver hits me on my way to an abortion clinic and my baby dies is that murder? Abortion is child abuse. I wonder if one of those nuts saw an endangered baby seal in the road next to a human baby and no choice but to hit one what would they do?

They create programs to "help" the poor. Free lunches, government housing, public-aid and my favorite affirmative action guidelines. They have ruined the poor community by not allowing the caterpillar to fight and struggle its way from the cocoon, the wings never develop therefore stunting its growth. The liberal agenda is to remove choice from our normal lives. The government it our savior and will take care of all of our needs. What do kids on free breakfast and lunch programs eat during Christmas, Easter and summer break? Public assistance is wonderful to give people help when they encounter hard times, but why do recipients get an increase for having more children? They should be helped until youngest is school age and given bonuses if they are willing to get the birth control shot. I have never received a raise for popping out a baby, in fact during one pregnancy I worked for a 4 star hotel and never even got flowers. At the end of my pregnancy I worked 10-12 hours and could barely fit in the elevator and what did I get, nada, zilch, it must be nice.

Obama's Rev. Wright is back in the news making racist remarks as usual. One of my favorite libs said to me today, "I never knew Wright said white people created AIDS to kill black people". I am so close to filing a class action suit against folks that voted for him dispite knowing nothing about his history or views on the core issues. Defenders have said, "He really didn't attend that church regularly but he just joined for political reasons". He named his first book after one of Rev. Wright's sermon, he was a member for 20 years, Rev. Wright was a father figure, he married Obama and baptized his children, but when Obama was asked about Wright's hate speeches Obama said he had never heard those sermons. Not one of his supporters can explain why he never got called on how he sat somewhere for 20 years with selective hearing or why he pretended to belong to a church he didn't really attend. Remember being a liberal means you don't have to explain hypocrisy, I don't know why but they just don't, it must be nice.

It must be nice to allowed to talk out of both sides of your neck and not be held accountable but I would rather be live by a set of core beliefs. I believe the government's role is not to give us rights, the government role is to protect our God given rights PERIOD. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I realize that some liberals might get offended by the many things I have expressed but the use of the word "liberal" really gets under their skin. Democrat and Republican cannot define a person's affiliation because the terms are to broad. I am a Ronald Reagan conservative and I don't mind if I am labeled as such. Don't get your undies in a bunch, if you are a liberal. If you are not sure if you are a liberal I will define liberal in a future blog, coming soon.

PS - After that McDonald's manger got the boot I was promoted :).

Monday, May 25, 2009

Thank A Veteran

I love America and respect the veterans and active military. In a day and age when it is common to paint them as terrorist, poor uneducated folks who joined because they had no choice or simply not worthy of our praise I am shocked that young people are still joining and are eager to serve our country. In January on a return flight I was seated next to a striking young woman wearing fatigues. I choked and said nothing, I never told her that I am in awe of anyone who is willing to give their life so that my family can sleep at night and not have bombs dropping in our neighborhood. I wanted to ask what her motivation was for serving, what her job was or what were she was stationed. It was like I was sitting next to a celebrity. I have never thanked my neighbor who has a huge Marine flag in front of his home. Often the veterans from World War II are referred to as the greatest generation due to their bravery and courage but I think this new crop of military may become known for what they have done to protect our country from a very different enemy. In the past our foes were obvious but currently we are up against a movement that wants to destroy our way of life, they attack the freedoms and beliefs that have made our country the greatest place to live on the planet. We are so blessed, don't just thank a vet, hug a vet.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Always Eat The Burnt Toast

Yesterday on the radio the host encourage listeners to call and share what their mothers taught them. I started thinking what would I say with a 5 minute platform. My mom taught me everything since she raised us alone. The one thing that sticks with me daily is "put your children first".

In the 70's my mother who never finished high school but decided to make a financial sacrifice and pay for private schools. In kindergarten we lived in the building of a woman who sent her children to a Lutheran school so my mom sent me there. Midway through first grade we moved with my mom's pretend sister, so we went to a public school with her children. It was the longest year of my life, bullies, disruptive students and a sub par curriculum. When I arrived I was so advanced, I was labeled the smartest kid in the class. Midway through the second grade we moved to a woman's building that sent her children to a Catholic school so we were sent there. I arrived there one of the dumbest kids in class. I was so far behind in reading that I was enrolled in a special program. I attended the sessions until 4th grade and remember being teased for having "special reading". I later got revenge by being named salutatorian giving me the honor of delivering the welcome address at graduation. We would remain at that school until 8th grade, even though we moved a couple of times.

 My mom was very young and most of her friends sent their children to the local public school. Her friends drove new cars and my mom had a beat up station wagon. Her pretend sister had the biggest, latest television with a remote control, our set came from Salvation Army and we used pliers to change the channel. I don't know if her friends ever told her she was stupid for paying for our education when CPS was offering the same thing for free but we heard it from the neighborhood children that taunted us in our plaid skirts. Even then I knew my brown uniform was a badge of honor, I didn't understand exactly how we were better off but I knew we had an advantage.

Regina always had a strong work ethic no matter what was happening in her life she got a job, worked hard and advanced. She moved us to better apartments every time her pay increased allowed us to "move on up". As a busy working mom she was always running late trying to prepare breakfast, get us dressed and get to work on time. She burned the breakfast at least once a week. When the toast popped out too dark she would replace it with a new piece of bread and put the burnt toast aside. My mom grew up hungry, she couldn't throw food away so she quietly ate the burnt toast. We never went hungry and never lived in government housing. My mom is the epitome of the great American story, she lost her mom at 13, shuffled between relatives and foster homes, had a baby at 17 (me) and another 19 (same dad), married for a brief time finally producing a son but was devoted to making sure we did better than she did. We were Girl Scouts, traveled to Disney World and for years she sent us to tap and ballets lessons on Michigan Ave. We were never idle, seven days a week were off to either school, scouts, choir practice, dance rehearsal, skating rink or a movie. Looking back I should have taken the piano lessons when she offered instead of tap and ballet that was very painful, I am happy that video cameras were not invented yet.

I graduated from a private high school and next Sunday her first granddaughter will graduate from a private university, God is good. My mom and sister think I don't remember the lean years and everything she did for us, in fact they think I was switched at birth because of my political views. During the last presidential election season Mommy and I fought endlessly and she didn't understand how I could be so defiant, I know how, she put me in a uniform skirt with my skinny ankles, on the westside of Chicago. I had to explain almost daily why my mother so dumb to waste money on private school. Note, brown plaid was never in fashion in the ghetto, it was like wearing a bulls eye. 
Happy Mother's Day Mommy. I thank my mom for skipping the Cadillac and investing in us and I thank the nuns and priest of Our Lady of Lourdes for making us appreciate the privilege of a private education.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I Am So Glad My Pastor Doesn't Need Security

My sister says, 'Listen to both sides" which is one reason I decided to visit Trinity United Church of Christ but the main reason is because I am trying to get to know a new aunt who happens to be a member. My family met her this past January and in an effort to get to know her I asked what church she attended, when she answered forks dropped, what were the chances.
I picked yesterday randomly and soon learned it was Unity Day, that sounded friendly enough. I went with an open mind since Rev. Wright is no longer the pastor and I figured it could not be bad as it was depicted. Almost everyone was wearing a white t-shirt, the back read, "Unashamedly Black And Unapologetically Christian". A year ago Unity Day was started in response to all the adversity Obama faced during his run for president. He attended the church for 20 years before separating himself from Rev. Wright and the hate preachings. Trinity is like I remember black churches from my youth, a great deal of reserved parking spaces, white gloved ushers willing to help and the pulpit complete with a large choir area and several associate pastors adorning either side of Pastor Otis Moss III who was wearing a black t-shirt with a large black fist on the back. Before the sermon we were treated to a performance youth drama team, it was a cute skit which included a line about being grateful to have a black president but I didn't think there would be any further mention of politics, boy was I wrong.
Psalm 118 was the topic of this sermon titled, "Why Black People Shout?". I got excited because I thought he was going to shed some light on why black people are loud but he explained why we are more charismatic when praising God. I found it interesting that it came from our African heritage. The missionaries may have shared the good word but we added the dancing and shouting. Moss said that it has been said that blacks brought no culture to the fabric of America and he begged to differ. He then started preaching about Kind David being the 7th sons of 7 sons and his rule being a "change of administrations" (repeatedly). I started searching the scripture thinking that those two words seemed too modern to be a direct quote. He talked about thanking those that rejected you because if it were not for them you would not be where you are today. During his sermon he spoke in that stereotypical cadence, wiped his forehead a lot and drank from a water glass, nothing unusual those actions. He repeated "rejection" and "thankful" a great deal until it morphed into "How George Bush Done Us Wrong". I closed the bible, sat up straight thinking I was possibly being punked by the dozens of the people clapping and shouting in agreement. I forgot I was there to praise Jesus and instead I debated if I should storm out in protest. Bush ignored and rejected the urban communities and now things were looking up because of Obama. I tried not to look annoyed but I was stirring in the pew. My aunt sat to my right so I had to be polite and besides my mom was there and she taught me better.
When the "sermon" ended my aunt asked if I wanted to meet him, I hesitated but agreed. This was not the forum to tell him that he was irresponsible and dangerous but I wanted him to remember me because I knew an email was headed his way. Next, I noticed a gentleman wearing an earpiece standing next to Rev. Moss, as I live and breathe, security. There was a very nice but chatty older woman who we let go ahead of us which allowed me the chance to calm down. My aunt assured me that he loves spirited exchange of ideas, I knew this was not the time or place. She broke the ice immediately, "Rev. Moss this is my Republican niece", he chuckled and I said it had to be God that I would chose that Sunday to attend. I shook his hand and moved on, the line was long. My aunt informed me that this was par for the course, Trinity is very political. I asked what Sunday are they scheduled to bash Mayor Daley and their alderman, "We never talk about Daley", why blame the people who are witnesses to the urban neglect? I know he is new to Chicago but if he spent a couple of hours reading the scores of Chicago Public Schools, he would understand neglect. Are parents protesting in front of City Hall demanding better schools, no let's sit in a church and blame a man living in Texas?
This was shocking enough but what happened next was crazier, after we said our good-byes my mom said that she was embarrassed, she worked hard on Obama's campaign and we fought like the Hatfields and the McCoys for months. She said that her church didn't talks politics. I thought Rev. Moss was taking the church in a new direction to shed the poor image Rev. Wright left behind. If I had not heard it for myself I would not have believed it and again I ask the question I asked just before the election,"How can a Christian sit in those pews for 20 years and listen to that hatred?
Naperville Harvest Bible Chapel is a place that all can come, feel welcome and hear the message from Pastor Ron Zappia. I don't attend every Sunday but I have never heard him speak negatively about anyone other than Satan. My husband is white and if my family were to visit Trinity we would be extremely uncomfortable, at Harvest we have the rainbow coalition and when you meet the pastor there is just Ron and Jody (his wife not his body guard). Two questions: I am curious if a person lunges at Moss would that guy shoot the culprit right there at the pulpit? And shouldn't the t-shirt have bragged about being Christian first and then being black?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thaddeusmom Is Disappointed

Last night we held the 6th Annual Spring Into Safety presentation in Lisle. Years ago my friend Autumn saw Rachel Mellon's story on the news and like many others she was effected but unlike many she reached out and became educated on how to keep children safe, a parents first and foremost responsibility. We offer resource tables filled with information, free ID cards for children, Escape School, Internet safety and so much more. Each year our numbers never meet our expectations but last night I got mad. We were are blessed to have Pam and Craig Akers from the Shawn Hornbeck Foundation (if you don't know who they are you should have been there because their story was front page in Dubai in 2007) and Angela Rose from PAVE who are national speakers dedicated to spreading the word about the child abduction and exploitation. We are all busy but if your child missed this rare opportunity to attend one of many soccer practices I am sad. 
In January 2000 I went to the hospital because I was 9 months pregnant and I had not felt my baby move in a few hours. After the nurses tried to locate the heartbeat a doctor entered the room and told us our baby was dead. The next couple of days were the worst of my life but that's another story. When I found the bereavement brochures among my things from the hospital all I kept thinking was reading those during my stay would have been the equivalent to learning to swim while drowning. The pamphlets were filled with information that would have been helpful if I knew about it before I was drowning in grief. I knew people lost babies but I was the most boring baby maker, I could spit one out in 60 minutes or less so I thought it won't happen to me.  The nine months you spend in the OB waiting room there are never brochures telling you prior how to handle a very common and painful situation. I did not know I could have bathed Thaddeus because I was in no condition to read after the doctor told us there was no heartbeat.
SIS is about educating parents before something bad happens and hopefully prevent your child from becoming a victim of a child predator. If we offered free pitching lessons from a player from the White Sox the place would have been packed. Yes there were baseball practices, games and learning fairs but our event was 4 hours long. I understand that some people could not come for legitimate reasons but don't insult me by offering a lame excuse, then I am forced to be fake and not challenge your tall tale. Don't say anything, you don't owe me an explanation.
We spent time with the presenters after the night was complete and that made my disappointment turn to glee, I got to chill with 4 awesome individuals. We wanted our community to benefit from the tragic events of 2 survivors, your loss not mine.  

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I wish I could sing.....

I love pro-American lyrics in fact I get tears in my time every time I hear The National Anthem. If only God had given me the gift of voice, I would be heard from sea to shining sea each time The Star Spangled Banner is played, when I forget that I can't sing I pitty for the person directly in front of me at a game, sorry. Today I participated in a Tea Party Rally (Taxed Enough Already) in Lisle, my hometown. It was scheduled to start at noon, I arrived at 11am because I figured parking would be a nightmare. From the moment I passed over the bridge to enter Community Park the atmosphere was warm and inviting, folks waving signs and directing traffic to the designated parking lot. I had not prepared a sign so I used that time to make one. Picture everyone draped in red, white and blue, flags waving crowded together to protest the current situation in Washington. There were speakers on the agenda with patriotic songs and parodies playing in between. When I heard Lee Greenwood's God Bless America I had to sing and during the chorus ".. and I"ll gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.." I waved my sign high over my head rocking in rhythm with tears in my eyes. I stood there surrounded by like minded Americans and I could not stop smiling. As I visually scanned the crowd I saw a black man, wow and then I a saw a second one but my jaw dropped when I saw a black woman with her young daughter holding a sign with a message asking Washington if they wanted her arm and leg too. It's not easy being a black conservative, one armed paper hangers have it easier. We are a rare sighting like big foot and UFOs,  actually those are more common. I listened to Chairman Steele on talk radio this morning and emailed him immediately in support of a black Republicans. I made my way through the crowd to introduce myself to the "sister" but she took her daughter to the bathroom and I had to leave. My democratic pro-Obama family thinks I was switched in the hospital or dropped on my head, they don't understand how I could be a Republican and as Christians I'm at a loss trying to reason how they support a person this with radical abortion beliefs. I am fed up and fired up, Obama is a one hit wonder we must work to keep him from a second term.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Break

They started talking about months ago and they started leaving today. There are various destinations but Florida is the number one location for spring break. I need to feel some white powdery sand in between my toes. It has been two years since our last family vacation in Puerto Rico. Now it is that time of year again, since we are not going on vacation until June I am bitter because everyone is leaving. I don't hope they get rained out or anything but it's not fair I need to feel some sun now. Normally I don't count the days until summer but this winter was brutal and has left me wanting. Next week I want my boys to have fun but we have some spring cleaning projects that must be completed. I want to spend time in the city with family members that I miss. I will anticipate picture messages from my beach bum friends, let me start working on witty responses to cute pictures of them kissing mermaids as I wipe cat hair off my drapes and Jinxie has been gone for weeks. "He who vacations last vacations best" that is my new mantra. I will miss my buddies and look forward to the stories.

Monday, March 16, 2009

If Bill Maher Has A Show My Four Year Should Have Two

Reagan (4) is very entertaining and the most offensive word he uses is "poopie", Bill Maher is a potty mouth but if you lack the intelligence to complete a thought it is common that to use profanity in the place a real idea. My sister tells me to listen to both sides, I normally avoid Bill Maher for many reasons but anyone who mocks religion gets extra space. I decided to watch March 13th because Andrew Breitbart was a guest, I love it when he sits in for Dennis Miller, he's a conservative in Hollywood, that is as rare as a Big Foot sighting. Bill's opening monologue was laced with racial jokes but my favorite one called Republicans superstitious about a "black cat in the White House". It was an ambush from the start, the other guess was Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, a black liberal elite.  Dr. Tyson was out of central casting, well spoken professor so down with the social problems and his script included the usual, Rush is a racist and Justice Thomas is self-hating and misguided. I just finished reading the book My Grandfather's Son, Clarence Thomas is a great American success story. I could only make it through the panel because it is the Bill Maher Show, I have included the link to that panel portion of the show. I hate to bring up race as a way to categorize people but I know that there are other conservative black Americans that are angry with the Democratic Party for leading by fear. I lived this as a child, I heard adults say, "Republicans only care about rich white people and if Reagan becomes president we will be slaves again". At 15 I knew enough about my country to know that was not possible. I feel sorry for white Americans that have legitimate issues with the current administration, God forbid you express them, you are a racist. Hollywood and the Chicago Democratic Machine deemed Obama the Savior and when you question his socialist policies they say, "Bush.....". I will teach you how to spot a person suffering from the side effects of drinking the Obama Kool-Aid, ask he or she a direct and or specific question about Obama's socialist policies and that person will look wide-eyed and mutter BBBBush....., that's the point when I wish I could pimp slap them but I am non-violent, darn. My favorite Obama campaign worker recently told me that "Obama is just some rich person and I am trying to get my business going", when I told that person that last fall that Obama was just a like any other rich Democrat that person told me I needed therapy... I am starting my own line of t-shirts and bumper stickers, "Don't Blame Me, I Am A Martin Luther King Republican, I Voted Based On The Content Of Character Not The Color Of Skin", will that fit across a bumper? I am the mother of bi-racial sons I wish I could have supported Obama but I am holding out for a conservative, black, white, yellow, red or mutt.... Question, why are black conservatives self-hating but black gang bangers that terrorize their own community are labeled victims of the social ills of America, discuss? Oh, yeah Reagan is cheaper and cutter than Bill Maher, does anyone have the number to HBO?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Missing! James Caviezel If Found Call Hollywood

James (Jim) Caviezel had a breakout role in 2000 with Frequency with Dennis Quaid. Those eyes draw you in and you believe everything he says. In 2002 he released two great films, The Count of Monte Cristo made him a movie star, I watched that movie at least 5 times, then he  starred opposite Ashely Judd in High Crimes and he was destined to be one of the great actors of modern times. In 2004 he was blessed with the role that won him critical acclaim and box office success, The Passion of the Christ. I remember that Mel Gibson chose him because of his strong Catholic beliefs. Imagine a devote Catholic in Hollywood, a place filled with man made gods, Madonna and the red string cracks me up. That film was groundbreaking, it proved that the Christian story was one people wanted to see. Jim's ticket was written, he was young, handsome, talented and had proven to be a box office draw he was going to be huge. Not so fast he played Jesus in a movie in Hollywood, he committed professional suicide. If he were accused of marrying his own step-daughter or rapping an under aged girl he would have to or three Oscar nods by now. This is just me speculating but did the calls stop coming or did he stop taking them because the role changed him. In 2006 he played the villain in Denzel Washington's Deja Vu but that's the only notable role in 5 years. I love Hollywood which conflicts with my core beliefs but I was sucked in at an early age but as an adult I try to choose my screen idols by looking at the entire person, some don't want to own up to it but they are role models. I have not researched any interviews with him but I hope to see him back as a leading man soon.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Didn't Walk by Faith.....At First..

"Walk By Faith" is the name of the current bible study I am taking on Wednesday mornings. I try to apply what I learn to my everyday life but I missed a huge opportunity to walk the walk. Winterfest 2009 was a approaching and I really wanted my 13 and 15 year old to participate in this wonderful retreat for teens. The trip was Friday 5pm until Monday 5:30pm, wow. My husband was not keen on the idea and I thought at the last minute they were going to be saved by a earlier commitment that I forgot about. I started searching for coats and bibles, they hardly use either. Packing was a real challenge when one kid is threatening to run away and the other is making himself sick but I kept going. The trip to the church was delayed when my older son hid for 45 minutes under our 4 year old son's bed. The time in the van started with me apologizing for not making them go to more teen activities when school started because they would have made friends and be a little more eager to attend. When we turned into the parking lot I saw a kid carrying an unrolled sleeping bag up the stairs to the church, I was relieved that we had not missed the buses. They refused to get out of the van. I found the strength to carry 2 large duffelbags and 2 sleeping bags up the stairs, they felt like feathers, thank you God. I registered them, tagged the luggage and started up the stairs for the task of getting them out of the van. I was in a sweaty state of panic but I spotted that unrolled sleeping bag but a different person was holding it and she was trying to fold it. I walked past her but doubled back, I apologized, explained that I was a former Girl Scout and asked if I could roll her bag. At that point I realized that maybe my sister is correct when she says I am bossy and controlling, I had to help the poor girl, my Girl Scout leader Mrs. Wilson would expect nothing less, back to the boys.  There is a tiny vestibule next to the main entrance and that is where I cried out to God for help. When I got to the van and it was empty, I pictured them walking down Diehl Rd. without food, coats or cell phones. I kept reminding myself that the rest was up to God, I got them to that point and I was spent. I went into the gym and found them sitting and eating pizza, WOW, God is good. We walked to the buses and hugged. I have left out the ugly parts to protect the guilty, but they know what they did and maybe one day they will apologize. I didn't walk by faith until the very end I should have turned it over from the start. My current small group prayed for my boys but I had doubt even as I prayed. The youngest returned from the trip and said that he had a good time and made friends, the older one would never give me the pleasure of saying anything positive, Brian Urlacher could have been his group leader and he still would have insisted that it was the worst time of his life. I am so grateful they went because I know they got something out of the experience and I got to paint my 13 year old son's room with Chicago Bulls official colors and he was pleased.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

One Mother

Why is it that as adults your mother has the ability to cut to the core and make you feel like crap (I gotta find a better word)? No matter how successful, adjusted and complete you feel your mom can pull the rug out from under you in ten seconds or less. When I pick up my mom at the train station after her 55 minute commute from the big city I can clock how long it takes her to dig into her bag of insults. Just like the excrement flinging primate she hits me right in the kisser. Her best time is 6.5 seconds, if our high school wrestling team could pin opponents that fast we would be undefeated. The top 3 are, 1. "Why did you move here, it is to far and to dark?" 2. "Why were you late, you wouldn't treat ________(insert any other relative"s name) like this?". I have never been more than 5 minutes late and only because she refuses to read the train schedule prior to leaving home. She prefers the Russian Roulette method of blindly leaving home only to arrive at the station without a goal in mind. If she just missed a train and the next one is 2 hours later, fine. She has the uncanny ability of arriving exactly 2 minutes before the event she is coming to witness. But if you start the day my saying, "Mommy the followings times are great so that we won't miss the graduation because we are picking you up", she will reply, "I won't be rushed, I will get to the station when I get there, you know I have an illness". I digress, where was I? 3. "The train conductor singled me out and tried to have me thrown from the train because he took my ticket and forgot. He did it because I am black", so was the conductctor. Once she hangs up her coat she unloads the big guns, someone has either gained weight or lost (they were fat the last time she visited). It's late but insist we serve her whatever we had for dinner, "I normally don't eat like this so late, in fact I ate on the train, could you put the leftovers in the refrigerator?", "Does your husband always cook this kind of food, no wonder you guys are so big, hee-hee?" and finally, "Is that new?" (pointing to an item that was there the last time she visited) "It must be nice.".  I feel pressure to lie by saying we found it in the trash or got it hot from the flea market, it probably came from Sam's Club where she to can shop for good deals since we added her to our account but Mayor Daley won't allow Walmart and Sam's to open in her area because he is in the back pockets of the unions, but I digress. It boils down to as an adult your mother can cut you to the quick but when I am threatening my teens, I can't penetrate the wall of defiance. In 15 years when I exit that train in their towns it will be equal to the tornado scene from The Wizard of Oz.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire (Spoiler Alert)

I enjoy a great film especially if it is at matinee price in a near empty theater, in the middle of the day. I applaud cleaver writing that delivers from start to finish. There is nothing worst than a smart powerful start that fizzles as if someone stood over the writers shoulder screaming "Hurry up the producer is waiting" so they type "The End". You think to your self, "That person wouldn't do that." or "Why did the story take that quick lazy turn?". Fasten your seat belt you are in for a bumpy intelligent ride that will have you crying, laughing, on the edge of your seat and cheering. It is filmed in India but it is a great American story. We think poor people in our country have it hard but in countries like India they would consider an apartment in CHA an amazing upgrade. Each person character's was developed as a result of the hand that life dealt them. I don't condone children that steal and con people but this was their way of rising from the ashes of their circumstances. Dev Patel, the actor who portrays the lead was outstanding. He grew up in England and prior to the film he had only been to India once at 7 years of age but he nailed the core of a slumdog. I regret my husband and teen sons did not express interest in seeing this film, it really makes you understand what it means to win the genetic lottery by being dropped off on this part of the planet. If you were lucky enough to be born in America that's half the battle, the rest is up to you. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"I'm Mad As Hell And I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore!"

"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" As I remember that is close to what Peter Finch's character shouted out of an open window in the movie Network (1976). I spent the entire President Day weekend painting my son's room which gave me the opportunity listen non-stop to conservative talk radio and my iPod, yippee. It is no secret that I listen to WLS 890 AM and now 560 AM all the time, every radio in my house is programed to either one of those and 820 AM on Saturday morning, Go Jake Hartford! Sunday night I had steam coming out of my ears, by midnight I could have powered a locomotive. It finally hit me what has happened to Americans, it started slowly 2 years ago and now it has grown to an unbelievable level. One of my favorite movies includes all of the remakes, Invasion of the Body Snatchers ((1956). Kevin McCarthy's character looks directly into the camera and pleads for help in disbelief that no one will listen to him (IMBD). Just prior to the election I sent an email to friends (Libs & normal people alike) looking for answers from Democrats as to how they could vote for a person with Obama's record. I was ripped to shreds for daring to ask such direct questions, I was told never to talk to certain friends about politics ever again, I was ordered to remove folks email from future political mailings, they were much to delicate to read such harsh words like "lack of experience" or "Christians supporting unlimited abortion" but I never got and answer to one question asked. We were told he was the candidate of Hope/Change and if we wanted the country to be saved he had to be elected. I normally get along with Dems/Libs in fact some of my dear friends and family members are from the other side of the aisle but prior to the election these mild mannered individuals became blood thirsty trail blazers for the first black president. America had to right the wrong of slavery and the treatment of blacks by electing a bi-racial man who is not a descendant of slaves. But now all those supporters with the yard signs, bumper stickers and tacky knock-off t-shirts have become emotionless drones that are either silent, uninformed or just to darn busy to be passionate enough to follow what the media appointed Messiah is up to since he became president, to quote one of the greats Dana Carvey as the Church Lady on Saturday Night Live, "Isn't that special, how convenient." Day two since he signed it and I have yet to hear a liberal say one good thing about the stimulus package. This bill was like Christmas morning for every liberal cause from global warming (I am sure God laughs at the concept that we can effect his creation), ACORN, endangered mice etc. Let us alone President Obama, we are Americans we have survived worst without a boost.

Monday, February 9, 2009

I Don't Have a U!!

In 1983 after a very short time away I returned home from a nearby university. There were a stack of reasons why I came home but I honestly felt I would continue my education at a time when my life was less crazy. Well, surprise surprise I never went back. I have had good jobs mainly because of my long work history and my embedded work ethic. There were times when I convinced myself that college didn't make a difference in day to day life. I now know that finishing school is very important. I assume that had I graduated I could diagram sentences, speak confidently about Greek mythology, chug a mug of beer at a bar designed for fellow alums. Years ago I was shocked to learn that there were bars that catered to a specific clientele that attended certain schools. I had no idea that downtown Chicago had a bar that I.U. (Indiana University) students and alums can go and mingle. Since January I have gone to the gym regularly and as I pound away on the treadmill that faces a walkway I see that 50% of the patrons don university t-shirts. I have several shirts from a local university because my daughter attends the school but I don't have my own "U". I am bothered more than ever that I cannot proudly display my support of my almamater. I am a little bitter and jealous.

Monday, January 19, 2009

My Last Rant....maybe

If I don't get this out I will explode, my last Obama speech until he makes a move to turn us into a western European country. We must give him a chance even though it has been open season on Bush for 8 years. Clarence Thomas, Condelezza Rice and Colin Powell didn't get this kind of support. Condie is black and has a funny name, show her some love. They are minorities just like Obama but they are a double minorities, they are black Republicans (Powell sold out). We were not urged to support them because the black liberals called them "Uncle Toms & Sellouts"....We all know Obama is a great basketball player but now we are watching him at back-peddle on some of the pie-in-the-sky ideas that got him elected. "I am my brother's keeper" was used to make the rich feel responsible for the poor, well unlike Obama I help my family and they have helped me, none of my whole or half siblings live in a hut. I read his first book, after he finishes with the White House gig Harlequin Publishers have their next author, more fluff then a Brownie troop's barn fire. When you get to speculate on what your grandparents "probably said" it is not fact it is fiction....When is he trying to mirror Lincoln's trip to White House, does he know how that ended, next he will be attending a play...How will those talking heads on CNN, MSNBC and all the other liberal "reporters" react when Obama does something they disagree with? How can they comment on the first black president and not be considered a racist? I am a Martin Luther King Jr./Ronald Reagan conservative. I judge people by the content of their character not the color of their skin and I love this country and believe that anything is possible if you are willing to work hard and sacrifice.  Yes, there is a history of racial injustice but that is not unique to America, it is still happening today all over the world. My ancestors were captured, enslaved and died to help build this country, I won the genetic lottery and I am not going to waste it trying to figure out who doesn't really like me because I'm black. People don't like me because I am a conservative, because I'm black, because I married a white man, because my empty trash cans are on the curb to long, there are a lot of reasons not to like me but I don't allow that to define me. Black people call each other "brother" all day long but don't treat each other like brothers, 10,000 black men die each year at the hands of other black men but if a white cop makes a mistake and kills a black man that causes riots. Riot when you can't go to work because the drug dealers are blocking your path to the bus or when kids are on the way home from football and get shot in a drive-by. Tomorrow will a be wonderful day in, we have a bi-racial president because anything is possible, only in America. I wish my dad, and his dad had lived to see this day. Daddy and I would have had some heated conversations and I would have called him election day to concede. I was determined to make him a conservative, oh well.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Love Cash Cab

Last week I worked out four days in a row. Friday, Saturday and Sunday were days off because my husband was out of town and I was the only driver. I felt good by the third day, I actually missed not going. This past Tuesday I worked out twice, once after Reagan's swim lesson and again when the boys wanted to go after school. Today was bitterly cold but I went. If I go in the late afternoon I watch Cash Cab. That guy is great and the characters that enter the cab are very amusing, they must edit out all the duds. Today there was one man who answered only one question correctly but he was thrilled that his wife was shooting out correct answers as if she had swallowed the answer book, they left with $1300. Another couple the girlfriend was on fire but the jerky boyfriend kept saying " I knew that" whenever his girlfriend blurted out the correct answer. Thanks to Mr. "I was about to say that" they left empty handed. Some men can't accept it when his women is out shining him. The show was still playing when my session on the treadmill ended so I started another workout on the computer, the time flew by.

Al Gore, Al Gore, Calling Al Gore, Where are you?

Global warming my eye, I have not seen the Inconvenient Truth, I will admit. I am no scientist but I am a Christian that believes that God created this amazing universe and how arrogant of us to think we can effect something he created.  In my uneducated opinion it would be like an ant effecting my commute to work. We can tell you if it will rain (100%) the next day but they know that farting cows (God made them too) is changing the global temperature. Where is Al Gore? Conveniently missing. I love limousine liberals that tell you how to live, do you as I say not as I do. I will hang my laundry on a clothesline with my 3 inch nails, yeah right Babs, I love your singing voice but stop talking. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's is a Family Memership

My two boys ages 13 & 15 joined me for a trip to the gym. We were there for at least 90 minutes. I went for the treadmill again and they started with a pickup game of basketball. When I had five minutes remaining of my 35 minute session they started weight training. I thought it would be good to cool down by walking the track. I dutifully started in the lane marked "Walkers", I know my place. I don't run or jog on the treadmill because I fear that I am to uncoordinated and will end up on You Tube because someone caught my Lucy moment with a cell phone camera. I don't like running on solid ground because I never have run and I figure it is to late to start. Sure enough there was a young chippy lapping me in the "Runners" lane. At first I didn't give her much thought she looked about 23 so I was not going to break a hip trying to keep up with a fetus. A middle aged couple (about 10 minutes older than me) joined in and I realized that if I pushed myself I could lap them. I did that a couple of times and realized that young chippy was just ahead. My goal was to keep her in sight preventing her from lapping me again. In an effort to pass some kids I sped up and suddenly young chippy was arms length away so I passed her, yes I was running. I decided that I would quit once I lapped young chippy, so I found a second wind, put it in fourth and off I went. I was looking for her familiar thick ponytail, I couldn't wait to triumphantly leave her in the dust, but there was a problem I couldn't find her. Was she afraid of my heat, did I bruise her ego by passing her and she was now burning her Nike in the locker room or worst, was she behind me? No, it was a bladder matter, I spotted her coming out of the ladies' room then she picked up her workout next to me. I kept pace with her for one full lap and I declared myself the Winner!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year

Of course the parking lot was full, there is nothing original about heading to the gym the first Monday of the New Year. The place was packed I usually go every Tuesday, my four year old has swim lessons. It was strange to enter the "Womens" locker room, I know the code for the "Family" locker room. It's a cliche but upon entry I was flashed by a 250bl senior exiting the shower, why? I located a locker and began to undress only to find out that I left my Ipod at home, I had my radio but talk radio was highjacked by college basketball games. During my ride to the gym I was desperate and turned to FM talk. Ron Reagan needs Jesus, what happened to him? Is he the adopted child? I digress.. I went to empty my bladder and the toilet splashed the back of my legs, I hate workingout. I had planned to speed walk the track around the basketball court but without a my Ipod I went to the tredmill area and luckily I found one available so I plugged my headset into the machine and hit the quick start button. I couldn't resist peaking at the two women one either side of me to see how fast they are walking. The women to my right was wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt and was kicking my but at 4.5mph, my personal best is 4mph at a 4.0 incline. She finished her workout put on a corduroy blazer, a ski jacket and left, I thought I was being Punked. I walked/jogged for over 35 minutes and now I sit here unable to get up from my chair. Oh yeah, I was flashed as I exited the locker room, next time I am keeping my eyes aimed at the floor.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tributes of 2008

Every December I purchase the last People magazine of the year. I read the tributes looking for names of celebrities who died, most I was aware of but every year there are one or two that are missed, for example I didn't know Van Johnson died, I remember him in the original Yours, Mine & Ours, funny guy. Charlton Heston, Planet of the Apes, NRA and one of the few conservatives in Hollywood (for the record Arnold is a moderate, a true conservative would never marry a Kennedy)... The Bernie Mac Show was brilliant, I regret that Soul Man was his final movie..Allen Melvin, who played Sam the butcher and Archie's best friend, wonderful actor..Estelle Getty and the cast Golden Girls still crack me up...David Groh swept Rhoda off her feet..Tony Snow was a great voice for the Republican Party, I was thrilled when he was name Press Secy, his passing went unnoticed, liberal journalist Tim Russert got the cover of People...Issac Hayes a legend of 70's soul music...Roy Sceider had the courage to clear the beach when the mayor was only concerned about a shark scaring away tourist, very talented..Dody Goodman, the mother in Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, the messy secy in Grease and she stole the film by wearing her bra on the outside of her sweater in Splash..Harvey Korman (Chicagoan) together with Tim Conway made The Carol Burnette Show a perfect way to end the week..Heather Ledger so sad..Suzanne Plushette was sassy in The Birds, timeless in The Bob Newhart Show and killed as Karen's mom on Will & Grace...The best for last, Paul Newman, rough around the edges, sexy, firm, diverse, a real man's man. Rent Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, he and Liz were the most beautiful people on the planet during that space in time, I have issues with Brad Pitt but the man could be the next Paul Newman. You can't go wrong by renting any of his classic films, he was a movie star..