Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I Love My Ipod - Music, Yesterday & Today

My big kids surprised me with Ipod for Christmas in 2007, it has changed my world. I pop it on and tune out everything around me. I proudly have 163 songs loaded on my device. I listen to Stevie Wonder, Luther, Tracy Chapman, Chaka, Barbara, Diana, Earth Wind & Fire, Alicia Keys, and Beyonce. I was cleaning on Sunday and heard the words very clearly to "Waiting for the World to Change", he basically says his gerneration is not happy with the way things are but they feel over powered so they are waiting for the world to change. Wow, the radicals from the 60's would be ashamed, the founders of our great country are rolling over in their graves, imagine if they had simply waited, Starbucks would be selling tea at even high prices. Maybe I am over-thinking the lyrics but music set your mood and words matter. When Luther sings "If this world was mine I's give you everything.." or Stevie's "Isn't she lovely?" you are reminded of true artist not the cry babies making videos that degrate women and hate our counrty. I shutter at the use of the word artist when I refer to some in the modern group. I hate to sound like a typical old person shaking my finger at young whipper-snappers but "-uck the police" are not the words of a gifted person. Some of the music is fine, I just prefer the old stuff...I also enjoy downloading books, it reminds me of my youth when adults read to me, I love it. I am often found in bed listening to my book club's selection, bedtime stories, what's not to love? Ipod, if you don't have one, get one.