Friday, April 17, 2009

Thaddeusmom Is Disappointed

Last night we held the 6th Annual Spring Into Safety presentation in Lisle. Years ago my friend Autumn saw Rachel Mellon's story on the news and like many others she was effected but unlike many she reached out and became educated on how to keep children safe, a parents first and foremost responsibility. We offer resource tables filled with information, free ID cards for children, Escape School, Internet safety and so much more. Each year our numbers never meet our expectations but last night I got mad. We were are blessed to have Pam and Craig Akers from the Shawn Hornbeck Foundation (if you don't know who they are you should have been there because their story was front page in Dubai in 2007) and Angela Rose from PAVE who are national speakers dedicated to spreading the word about the child abduction and exploitation. We are all busy but if your child missed this rare opportunity to attend one of many soccer practices I am sad. 
In January 2000 I went to the hospital because I was 9 months pregnant and I had not felt my baby move in a few hours. After the nurses tried to locate the heartbeat a doctor entered the room and told us our baby was dead. The next couple of days were the worst of my life but that's another story. When I found the bereavement brochures among my things from the hospital all I kept thinking was reading those during my stay would have been the equivalent to learning to swim while drowning. The pamphlets were filled with information that would have been helpful if I knew about it before I was drowning in grief. I knew people lost babies but I was the most boring baby maker, I could spit one out in 60 minutes or less so I thought it won't happen to me.  The nine months you spend in the OB waiting room there are never brochures telling you prior how to handle a very common and painful situation. I did not know I could have bathed Thaddeus because I was in no condition to read after the doctor told us there was no heartbeat.
SIS is about educating parents before something bad happens and hopefully prevent your child from becoming a victim of a child predator. If we offered free pitching lessons from a player from the White Sox the place would have been packed. Yes there were baseball practices, games and learning fairs but our event was 4 hours long. I understand that some people could not come for legitimate reasons but don't insult me by offering a lame excuse, then I am forced to be fake and not challenge your tall tale. Don't say anything, you don't owe me an explanation.
We spent time with the presenters after the night was complete and that made my disappointment turn to glee, I got to chill with 4 awesome individuals. We wanted our community to benefit from the tragic events of 2 survivors, your loss not mine.