Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scott Brown - Liberalism Rejected

Happy Anniversary America! One year ago you put into office the first half-black president. Since that history making day it seems Obama's agenda was to keep making history by attempting to control every aspect of our lives. The Stimulus Package, bigger than ever, Cap N' Trade, and finally my favorite "The Mega Healthcare Bill".

Last night Massachusetts history was made. After a half a century of Kennedy family rule folks demanded a real "Change". Scott Brown is the little engine that could. Can you imagine having the nerve to think that you can compete against the Massachusetts Democratic Machine? The time was right for a conservative victory, after a long year of liberalism gone wild, they have been behaving like teens on spring break, no accountability.

To the casual observer a victory in a state so far away may seem unimportant, wrong. If the people in the bluest of states can reject liberalism in the birthplace of healthcare reform there is hope for us in states as far gone as Illinois. I love it when people think being a Republican or a conservatives means you don't care about poor people and just want to keep all your money for your own selfish desires. I love it even more when Democrats sell their money grubbing policies to the general population by promising only to tax the rich, the smokers, the gamblers, the bottle water drinkers, the fast food eaters and so on. Don't they get it that they are coming for them eventually too?

Who are these people without access to healthcare? I was 20 years old when I had Julian, without insurance. I did not go to a government plan to pay for my delivery, I went to Micheal Reese Hospital in Chicago. There we were given a payment plan and each visit we were suppose to make a payment. Our financial situation was unstable at best so we did not always have money to make a payment but each visit they took my blood pressure, measured my belly and sent me on my way. When it was time for delivery I have no idea how many payments I had missed but they still took the baby out and did not hold him for a payment. When the bills came we bought food and paid rent then sent the what was left to the hospital, we did not pay them first, I like eating. I share this because some might think I don't want universal care because I don't know what it is like not to have insurance, and that was not my last time we were without insurance. I know there are hard working people without insurance but don't get on national television and lie to America with stupid statements, "..every 10 minutes an American dies due to lack of healthcare". The 2 plans proposed still don't cover everyone but working people will be taxed long before they would go into effect.

It has been a year, so can we finally call it Obama's recession? Is the the Bush administration finally off the hook for everything Obama inherited? Yes maybe he left a mess but Obama made the choices of how to handle each problem. Obama begged for that job for 19 months and when got what he wanted he complained that he did not no how bad things were. I beg to differ, all throughout the campaign he outlined what Bush had done wrong and he was the only one smart enough to save us. To quote Obama's pastor Rev. Wright, "the chickens came home to roost", he made promises that were too great for any man to achieve. Today I heard a commentator say, "What do we know about Scott Brown?", oh now they want to check resumes, I said that for 19 months about Pres. Obama and when I pointed out obvious character issues I was told all politicians attend racist churches and mingle with unapologetic terrorist.

Dear President Obama,
Stop trying to make history, just limit government interference in our lives and protect us from those that wish us harm and you we will do the rest. History will be made.
The United States of America