Thursday, July 2, 2009

They Are Coming To A Town Near You Soon

Each year summertime brings food, fireworks, family and friends, it's a tradition but wait there is one more, carnivals. The trucks have made their way down the main street of our small town and set up the rides, games and the strange group of employees. If we can have a successful company called College Painters why can't we have College Carnies, you know a clean cut group of kids in buttoned down shirts from local universities eager to travel and provide wholesome service to nearby communities but no. (Warning, if you or anyone you know works or have worked for a carnival company and the following description does not apply to that person, great have them come to Lisle because our carnies are scary.)

As you nibble on your over-priced elephant ear take the time to gaze at the employees of the carnival company. They should be easy to spot, they are wearing a purple or royal blue polo shirt that is either too big or too small and wear black jeans, I have always wondered why they don't mandate khaki shorts it's 95 degrees. The ratio of teeth to tattoos is 1:1 and finally there is a cigarette hanging out of their mouths. What other job allows you to work with children and smoke at the same time, open air, travel and all the corndogs you can eat, the perfect dream job. No normal people need apply.

My favorite carnies are the ones working the games, they yell to get your attention as you hurry by, "Come and try your luck" or "Hey Miss Lady" is what they say when a "sister" (black woman) walks past. Last year my son and his buds complained to the worker because they won twice and was told it didn't count. When they told potential suckers/customers to stay away, the carnie yelled things I cannot type. They were just 11 year old smarty pants kids who did not deserve what they got.

They are often dirty and unpleasant but these individuals are invited by authorities to our community each summer. How many are on parole or are wanted by the police? I am not a snob but these people could not complete the screening process of your local fast food restaurant but yet they are allowed to work with our most precious possessions, our children.

Safety is another issue, they assemble these attractions weekly which should mean they are experts at meeting the regulations. My friend and her son were electrocuted by a live wire touching a metal fence, thank God they survived but they were not met with kindness and concern. No offense when I saw a one armed senior citizen with a cigarette I thought this guy doesn't care if there is left over screw labeled, "important".

I love the day after the fest closes and I drive past the coin operated laundry and see the trailers parked there. They are washing loads of polos and jeans before heading to the next sleepy town.

I must confess that have not gone to our fest yet so maybe this year will be different from the last 15, I can only hope.