Monday, March 9, 2009

Missing! James Caviezel If Found Call Hollywood

James (Jim) Caviezel had a breakout role in 2000 with Frequency with Dennis Quaid. Those eyes draw you in and you believe everything he says. In 2002 he released two great films, The Count of Monte Cristo made him a movie star, I watched that movie at least 5 times, then he  starred opposite Ashely Judd in High Crimes and he was destined to be one of the great actors of modern times. In 2004 he was blessed with the role that won him critical acclaim and box office success, The Passion of the Christ. I remember that Mel Gibson chose him because of his strong Catholic beliefs. Imagine a devote Catholic in Hollywood, a place filled with man made gods, Madonna and the red string cracks me up. That film was groundbreaking, it proved that the Christian story was one people wanted to see. Jim's ticket was written, he was young, handsome, talented and had proven to be a box office draw he was going to be huge. Not so fast he played Jesus in a movie in Hollywood, he committed professional suicide. If he were accused of marrying his own step-daughter or rapping an under aged girl he would have to or three Oscar nods by now. This is just me speculating but did the calls stop coming or did he stop taking them because the role changed him. In 2006 he played the villain in Denzel Washington's Deja Vu but that's the only notable role in 5 years. I love Hollywood which conflicts with my core beliefs but I was sucked in at an early age but as an adult I try to choose my screen idols by looking at the entire person, some don't want to own up to it but they are role models. I have not researched any interviews with him but I hope to see him back as a leading man soon.

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Hey Steph, I wanted you to know that Jim Caviezel was at our church (Fellowship of The Woodlands, The Woodlands, TX) last spring. He was excellent as a speaker as he had us laughing, crying and then on our knees praying for our nation. He has a deep desire to continue to make movies with a Christian theme. I will have to ask my kids what he said he was working on cuz their memory is lots better with that kind of stuff than mine. What I do remember is how he talked about the making of The Passion created a desire for him to view the lost world in a new way. He was in tears himself as he talked about the scene where he was on the cross and he looked down at the others gathered around and he realized that God was putting a deep sense of compassion for people into his heart. I will have to call you sometime and fill you in with more details. I will also check to see if our church has a DVD of the service when he spoke to us. Also, his voice is featured as the voice of Jesus on a new audio of the Bible and it is really cool to have in the car. I have a shorter version that I like because it is the words of Jesus only from the gospels and it is a wonderful driving companion for my 4 times/ day trips to Ariane's school and back. God bless and I will call you.