Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Love Cash Cab

Last week I worked out four days in a row. Friday, Saturday and Sunday were days off because my husband was out of town and I was the only driver. I felt good by the third day, I actually missed not going. This past Tuesday I worked out twice, once after Reagan's swim lesson and again when the boys wanted to go after school. Today was bitterly cold but I went. If I go in the late afternoon I watch Cash Cab. That guy is great and the characters that enter the cab are very amusing, they must edit out all the duds. Today there was one man who answered only one question correctly but he was thrilled that his wife was shooting out correct answers as if she had swallowed the answer book, they left with $1300. Another couple the girlfriend was on fire but the jerky boyfriend kept saying " I knew that" whenever his girlfriend blurted out the correct answer. Thanks to Mr. "I was about to say that" they left empty handed. Some men can't accept it when his women is out shining him. The show was still playing when my session on the treadmill ended so I started another workout on the computer, the time flew by.

Al Gore, Al Gore, Calling Al Gore, Where are you?

Global warming my eye, I have not seen the Inconvenient Truth, I will admit. I am no scientist but I am a Christian that believes that God created this amazing universe and how arrogant of us to think we can effect something he created.  In my uneducated opinion it would be like an ant effecting my commute to work. We can tell you if it will rain (100%) the next day but they know that farting cows (God made them too) is changing the global temperature. Where is Al Gore? Conveniently missing. I love limousine liberals that tell you how to live, do you as I say not as I do. I will hang my laundry on a clothesline with my 3 inch nails, yeah right Babs, I love your singing voice but stop talking.