Obama had not heard the entire story when he replied to a reporter who asked what his thoughts were, he admitted to being a friend of the professor and said the Cambridge PD had acted stupidly. Later we learned this cop happens to have the support of his fellow officers and his union, this guys trains police officers about racial sensitivity. There is nothing in his file that indicates this man hates black men in America. Obama chose to once again address the issue but didn't apologize. He said both sides overreacted and invited both men for a beer at the White House. Of course he had to remind us that this is still a sensitive issue for blacks.
Let's pretend a white president had called a black officer stupid and failed to apologize after it was proven that the officer was simply doing his job. Do you think for a nanosecond he could get away without a formally public apology on the steps of a Historically Black College while handing two checks to both Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton simultaneously.
I am insane because I keep doing the same thing expecting different results, I tuned into a liberal talk radio show. Surely the callers would say stuff like, "I love me some Obama but he should apologize" or "Wow, maybe Obama had a flash back to when he was a victim of racism which is why he chose his words". Hold on to your wigs, I had to listen to ridiculous callers that said, the neighbor was a racist and didn't want blacks in her neighborhood and the cop had to know who he was but his ego prevented him from just walking away or my favorite was the cop should be charged with a felony and finally how dare the cop expect an apology from Obama, he is The President of the United States he doesn't have to apologize to a low ranking police officer. I assume this angry mob listened just like me as the liberal host read the report before he opened the phone lines but somehow they and the host felt like the cop was the villain.
The liberal hags on the View this week spoke out before all the information was revealed, Sherry Sheperd said, "This just proves that the only safe black people are the four living in the White House". I don't know how Elizabeth keeps from yelling out,"(---insert host name--) you ignorant slut", when one of those dingbats shares her thought for the day. I would need the Meryl Streep scrub down from the movie Silkwood after sitting next to them for fear that stupidity could be airborne.
Obama was 100% wrong for speaking out before knowing the facts and he should not have called a policeman stupid, officers are at risk daily when walking into unknown situations. I will wait for the white equivalent of Jessie Jackson to hold a press conference demanding justice. Some will argue that blacks can't be racist, so what do you call it when the black professor yelled out and accused the white officer of being a racist and made reference to the officer's mom? Revenge?
Obama sat at a racist church for 20 years, when questioned he said he could never deny Rev. Wright anymore than he could the black community or his white grandmother that had been known use racial stereo-types, he later separated himself from that church, way to stand by your principle. His supporters never called him on that incident and I will bet my Dick Cheney VP lapel pin (awarded to my husband when he fed him at Northern Illinois University) that they give him a pass this time also. When will the healing begin?
Today Monday, July 28, 2009 we learned that the neighbor who was doing a good deed hired a lawyer. Just like they did with Joe the Plumber the left-wing media will crawl all up in her business and try to prove she had some hidden agenda, maybe they will find her great-great-great-grandfather owned a slave. Of course Rush was crucified for saying that Obama is angry black man, well isn't he? I argue that he attended Trinity for 20 years, I heard one sermon and it made me angry. The White house said Rush was fanning the flames, Obama and the professor dragged race into this issue. If that cop was black would this story still be in the news? Dennis Miller said, "You can judge a person by the character of their enemies."