Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Didn't Walk by Faith.....At First..

"Walk By Faith" is the name of the current bible study I am taking on Wednesday mornings. I try to apply what I learn to my everyday life but I missed a huge opportunity to walk the walk. Winterfest 2009 was a approaching and I really wanted my 13 and 15 year old to participate in this wonderful retreat for teens. The trip was Friday 5pm until Monday 5:30pm, wow. My husband was not keen on the idea and I thought at the last minute they were going to be saved by a earlier commitment that I forgot about. I started searching for coats and bibles, they hardly use either. Packing was a real challenge when one kid is threatening to run away and the other is making himself sick but I kept going. The trip to the church was delayed when my older son hid for 45 minutes under our 4 year old son's bed. The time in the van started with me apologizing for not making them go to more teen activities when school started because they would have made friends and be a little more eager to attend. When we turned into the parking lot I saw a kid carrying an unrolled sleeping bag up the stairs to the church, I was relieved that we had not missed the buses. They refused to get out of the van. I found the strength to carry 2 large duffelbags and 2 sleeping bags up the stairs, they felt like feathers, thank you God. I registered them, tagged the luggage and started up the stairs for the task of getting them out of the van. I was in a sweaty state of panic but I spotted that unrolled sleeping bag but a different person was holding it and she was trying to fold it. I walked past her but doubled back, I apologized, explained that I was a former Girl Scout and asked if I could roll her bag. At that point I realized that maybe my sister is correct when she says I am bossy and controlling, I had to help the poor girl, my Girl Scout leader Mrs. Wilson would expect nothing less, back to the boys.  There is a tiny vestibule next to the main entrance and that is where I cried out to God for help. When I got to the van and it was empty, I pictured them walking down Diehl Rd. without food, coats or cell phones. I kept reminding myself that the rest was up to God, I got them to that point and I was spent. I went into the gym and found them sitting and eating pizza, WOW, God is good. We walked to the buses and hugged. I have left out the ugly parts to protect the guilty, but they know what they did and maybe one day they will apologize. I didn't walk by faith until the very end I should have turned it over from the start. My current small group prayed for my boys but I had doubt even as I prayed. The youngest returned from the trip and said that he had a good time and made friends, the older one would never give me the pleasure of saying anything positive, Brian Urlacher could have been his group leader and he still would have insisted that it was the worst time of his life. I am so grateful they went because I know they got something out of the experience and I got to paint my 13 year old son's room with Chicago Bulls official colors and he was pleased.