Monday, March 16, 2009

If Bill Maher Has A Show My Four Year Should Have Two

Reagan (4) is very entertaining and the most offensive word he uses is "poopie", Bill Maher is a potty mouth but if you lack the intelligence to complete a thought it is common that to use profanity in the place a real idea. My sister tells me to listen to both sides, I normally avoid Bill Maher for many reasons but anyone who mocks religion gets extra space. I decided to watch March 13th because Andrew Breitbart was a guest, I love it when he sits in for Dennis Miller, he's a conservative in Hollywood, that is as rare as a Big Foot sighting. Bill's opening monologue was laced with racial jokes but my favorite one called Republicans superstitious about a "black cat in the White House". It was an ambush from the start, the other guess was Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, a black liberal elite.  Dr. Tyson was out of central casting, well spoken professor so down with the social problems and his script included the usual, Rush is a racist and Justice Thomas is self-hating and misguided. I just finished reading the book My Grandfather's Son, Clarence Thomas is a great American success story. I could only make it through the panel because it is the Bill Maher Show, I have included the link to that panel portion of the show. I hate to bring up race as a way to categorize people but I know that there are other conservative black Americans that are angry with the Democratic Party for leading by fear. I lived this as a child, I heard adults say, "Republicans only care about rich white people and if Reagan becomes president we will be slaves again". At 15 I knew enough about my country to know that was not possible. I feel sorry for white Americans that have legitimate issues with the current administration, God forbid you express them, you are a racist. Hollywood and the Chicago Democratic Machine deemed Obama the Savior and when you question his socialist policies they say, "Bush.....". I will teach you how to spot a person suffering from the side effects of drinking the Obama Kool-Aid, ask he or she a direct and or specific question about Obama's socialist policies and that person will look wide-eyed and mutter BBBBush....., that's the point when I wish I could pimp slap them but I am non-violent, darn. My favorite Obama campaign worker recently told me that "Obama is just some rich person and I am trying to get my business going", when I told that person that last fall that Obama was just a like any other rich Democrat that person told me I needed therapy... I am starting my own line of t-shirts and bumper stickers, "Don't Blame Me, I Am A Martin Luther King Republican, I Voted Based On The Content Of Character Not The Color Of Skin", will that fit across a bumper? I am the mother of bi-racial sons I wish I could have supported Obama but I am holding out for a conservative, black, white, yellow, red or mutt.... Question, why are black conservatives self-hating but black gang bangers that terrorize their own community are labeled victims of the social ills of America, discuss? Oh, yeah Reagan is cheaper and cutter than Bill Maher, does anyone have the number to HBO?

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