Monday, May 25, 2009

Thank A Veteran

I love America and respect the veterans and active military. In a day and age when it is common to paint them as terrorist, poor uneducated folks who joined because they had no choice or simply not worthy of our praise I am shocked that young people are still joining and are eager to serve our country. In January on a return flight I was seated next to a striking young woman wearing fatigues. I choked and said nothing, I never told her that I am in awe of anyone who is willing to give their life so that my family can sleep at night and not have bombs dropping in our neighborhood. I wanted to ask what her motivation was for serving, what her job was or what were she was stationed. It was like I was sitting next to a celebrity. I have never thanked my neighbor who has a huge Marine flag in front of his home. Often the veterans from World War II are referred to as the greatest generation due to their bravery and courage but I think this new crop of military may become known for what they have done to protect our country from a very different enemy. In the past our foes were obvious but currently we are up against a movement that wants to destroy our way of life, they attack the freedoms and beliefs that have made our country the greatest place to live on the planet. We are so blessed, don't just thank a vet, hug a vet.

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