Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Chicago Politics, Business as Usual

and down goes Blago..another one bites the dust...can you believe this guy?During Obama's campaign Roe Conn of WLS 890 AM described Chicago as crazy Uncle Lonnie wearing underwear and a bike helmet waiting to emerge from the basement to embarrass him, well Lonnie is in the family room throwing a fit. Chicago is a sewer and we can no longer ignore the stench. Pardon my French but how does Blago zip his pants with brass ones that big? Okay, I promised to give Obama a chance but we are to believe that he never had one conversation about his replacement. I don't think he was willing to buy an appointment from the Governor but they had a least one chat. "Change" is what America voted for, well the country got a front row seat of how we roll in Chicago. I went over the wall in '94 and escaped the Kingdom that is Daley leaving behind the fees, taxes and the poor education system. Daley is currently selling the city piece by piece to raise Olympic funds as the Chicago citizens are sold out by the alderman who are corrupt or afraid and vote yes every time Da Mayor introduces a new proposal. When they build a prison wing for Illinois politicians save Richie Daley a bunk.

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