Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I Love My Ipod - Music, Yesterday & Today

My big kids surprised me with Ipod for Christmas in 2007, it has changed my world. I pop it on and tune out everything around me. I proudly have 163 songs loaded on my device. I listen to Stevie Wonder, Luther, Tracy Chapman, Chaka, Barbara, Diana, Earth Wind & Fire, Alicia Keys, and Beyonce. I was cleaning on Sunday and heard the words very clearly to "Waiting for the World to Change", he basically says his gerneration is not happy with the way things are but they feel over powered so they are waiting for the world to change. Wow, the radicals from the 60's would be ashamed, the founders of our great country are rolling over in their graves, imagine if they had simply waited, Starbucks would be selling tea at even high prices. Maybe I am over-thinking the lyrics but music set your mood and words matter. When Luther sings "If this world was mine I's give you everything.." or Stevie's "Isn't she lovely?" you are reminded of true artist not the cry babies making videos that degrate women and hate our counrty. I shutter at the use of the word artist when I refer to some in the modern group. I hate to sound like a typical old person shaking my finger at young whipper-snappers but "-uck the police" are not the words of a gifted person. Some of the music is fine, I just prefer the old stuff...I also enjoy downloading books, it reminds me of my youth when adults read to me, I love it. I am often found in bed listening to my book club's selection, bedtime stories, what's not to love? Ipod, if you don't have one, get one.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Class of 1983

In August of this year I attended my 25th class reunion at White Sox Park (I refuse to call it US Cellular Field, sellouts). I was thrilled from the moment I heard Kelly Heeter on my voicemail informing me that we were getting together. I may be corny but I love reunions. Lourdes was a Catholic all girls school in the Marquette Park neighborhood of Chicago. My mom insisted I attend that school while I was leaning toward Cathedral in downtown Chicago, I am so glad she insisted. I was terrified my first day and proud on graduation, I loved Lourdes. The only time I had been to Marquette Park was as a scout to bowl at Archer Ave. & Pulaski Rd., we were called some not so nice names as we stood at the bus stop. In 1983 I felt very special that my mom had made the sacrifice. The reunion was so weird for me, I kept referring to my classmates as girls, like they were frozen in time. They still look the same to some degree. Friends from then were still friends. Prior to the reunion some emails describing favorite high school memories informed me just how different our experiences were. I lived on the westside unitil junior year when we moved to Logan Square, I went to school on the southside and worked in Maywood. I was constantly trying to fit in with 3 or 4 different social groups. I was the only black girl in many classes so I would look for another minority to connect with. I realize that race was a factor when I reflect on my high school years. Mayor Washington was elected my senior year and during the election one teacher was not happy when Gail Dean and I would tag his board with pro-Washington messages. After the election a girl who loved singing Double-Dutch Bus (rap) was crying because she heard her neighborhood would change, I could relate, sophomores year my neighbors said we would be slave again when Reagan became president. We chatted, exchanged updates, sang the fight song and reminisced. I enjoyed myself, I wish I had gone to the after-party and look forward to many more.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thank You Family and Friends

I called my sister and mother when we discovered Patch. Then I started calling friends, Autumn offered help from her husband Vince. I declined, she insisted and said they were coming right over. My husband suggested I take the baby to McDonald's while Patch was removed, our dear friend Dennis was already in the backyard. Autumn told Rita who said that McDonald's was not acceptable, she would meet us at her house. I called Sierra and told her where we would be, Bill had told me how hard she was taking it. When Rey and I pulled up to the Jackson's Mike ( husband) and Nick (son) were very kind to make us feel at home. Mike left to help Bill. Sierra arrived with a puffy face. Autumn came when she completed her job on the recovery crew, thanks. All three families eventually gathered, ordered pizza and pasta. I am so blessed that my friends understood better than I did that we needed to get out...My mom and sister loved him so much. My mom would take him on long walks in the Meadows every time she visited. Marvine put up with me bringing him to every family function at her house, I was crazy, thank you. Marvine offered to come out but I thought that it would be a risk with the big storm we are expecting, thanks....I got a text from a friend Kerry that was very sweet... Telling Bill's sister Jeanne who lives in town will be hard, she loved Patches (she drove me nuts adding -es to his name). We have decided to cremate him and spread the ashes in the garden next spring.

Patch 1999-2008

Our beagle Patch fell through the ice of our pond and drowned. The night we learned that our full term son would be stillborn one of the first things I said was, "Let's get the kids a dog". We decided to get a beagle so we went searching the net with our WebTv device. Beagle pups were at least $400. Bill went to work and learned that a family was divorcing and couldn't take the dog with them, a 10 month old beagle, cage and accessories all free. On January 29, 2000 the entire family, except for me went to pick him up, the front door openned and he ran straight to me, I was terrified about the possibilities of owning a dog. The next day I took him for a walk and he slipped out of the collar. He raced through the snow as I screamed thinking that I was dead if those kids got off the school bus and there was no dog, after a tour of the area he came to me. He was just what I needed that first year we lost Thaddeus, I would walk him and not have to talk or feel like I had to act a certain way just to make people think I was OK. He would lay at the foot of my bed when I was sick, yes he sat on the furniture and slept with us nightly until we moved into our current home, the bed is to high. When we were house shopping I kept in mind that my dog deserved a backyard with a fence. We lived in houses that required him to be tethered, he got tangled every fifteen minutes. We brought Pepper home and they were instant partners in crime, they would get out of the yard and go on adventures for hours. Once they were skunked they would surrender to anyone willing to read their tags and call us. We gave Pepper away last year, puppies are very needy but Patch was family. Lately we have been lifting him in bed since he was to old and fat to jump. He barked at each delivery person even if the package was left 3 houses away. Bill shared his midnight snacks, Jewel frozen pizzas with him. I drove him everywhere even to in inner city for short trips. I will miss the fattest beagle who never demanded anything, he just wanted to be next to a warm body. I called him my furry son, (I stole that from Dennis Miller). I tell my children, "There are two quick roads out of my house, mess with Reagan or mess with Patch".

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Reagan is 4

Four years ago we were blessed with a gift, after over years of heartbreak and loss. We closed on the house December 10th, I went in for a c-section 4 days later. I was terrified since I simply spit out all my others. I had seen the operation on TV but I had no idea the tables were so narrow, when I lost my balance I accidentally grabbed the anesthesiologist in the family jewels, oops. It seemed the doctor went in my up to her elbow getting him out and and later poured in a pitcher of fluid, it was a magic trick, sawing the lady in half. I spent four days in the hospital catching up on how to care for an infant, my baby at home was 9. We moved in just days before Christmas and everything was magical, I got exactly what I wanted, an angel. Four years later Reagan, yes he is named after the president, is obsessed with Frosty the Snowman, I have no idea how to pry it out of his hands January 2nd. I still wonder what I did that God would bless me with a sweet spirit like Reagan. I realize we are a walking punchline, "Our kids are 3 to 23" is what I would say, I have to deal with adult children making big life choices, teens and a tot going through a hitting phase. I know why God invented menopause, it should be called meno-stop (having kids).

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Chicago Politics, Business as Usual

and down goes Blago..another one bites the dust...can you believe this guy?During Obama's campaign Roe Conn of WLS 890 AM described Chicago as crazy Uncle Lonnie wearing underwear and a bike helmet waiting to emerge from the basement to embarrass him, well Lonnie is in the family room throwing a fit. Chicago is a sewer and we can no longer ignore the stench. Pardon my French but how does Blago zip his pants with brass ones that big? Okay, I promised to give Obama a chance but we are to believe that he never had one conversation about his replacement. I don't think he was willing to buy an appointment from the Governor but they had a least one chat. "Change" is what America voted for, well the country got a front row seat of how we roll in Chicago. I went over the wall in '94 and escaped the Kingdom that is Daley leaving behind the fees, taxes and the poor education system. Daley is currently selling the city piece by piece to raise Olympic funds as the Chicago citizens are sold out by the alderman who are corrupt or afraid and vote yes every time Da Mayor introduces a new proposal. When they build a prison wing for Illinois politicians save Richie Daley a bunk.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Barbara Walters or Diane Sawyer?

It is just luck that the two women I think are Satan would conduct interviews in the same week that support my theory. Ms. Walters promoted her special chat with the man that had a baby. It burns me up when she is billed as "The Man That Gave Birth". Just because you grow a beard and cut your hair it doesn't make her a man. If you feel you were born in the wrong body modern science allows you to correct that, whatever but to have the desire to be a man that gives birth is selfish to say the least. Men don't have babies. I want to pre-order several books on Amazon, those children of that union and any of Michael Jackson's kids, Blanket's story will be quite the page turner..Diane gave the call girl who had a business relationship with the former governor of New York a platform to tell her side of the story. Whatever happen to shame? Why is her story worthy? I could would expect her to go on a show like Tyra but not on a respected network like ABC? I will never understand why we reward bad behavior. They should spend time with individuals of good character. We all make bad choices but the system is broken, the bigger the mistake the better the book deal. There are people that are doing the right thing.