Monday, January 19, 2009
My Last Rant....maybe
If I don't get this out I will explode, my last Obama speech until he makes a move to turn us into a western European country. We must give him a chance even though it has been open season on Bush for 8 years. Clarence Thomas, Condelezza Rice and Colin Powell didn't get this kind of support. Condie is black and has a funny name, show her some love. They are minorities just like Obama but they are a double minorities, they are black Republicans (Powell sold out). We were not urged to support them because the black liberals called them "Uncle Toms & Sellouts"....We all know Obama is a great basketball player but now we are watching him at back-peddle on some of the pie-in-the-sky ideas that got him elected. "I am my brother's keeper" was used to make the rich feel responsible for the poor, well unlike Obama I help my family and they have helped me, none of my whole or half siblings live in a hut. I read his first book, after he finishes with the White House gig Harlequin Publishers have their next author, more fluff then a Brownie troop's barn fire. When you get to speculate on what your grandparents "probably said" it is not fact it is fiction....When is he trying to mirror Lincoln's trip to White House, does he know how that ended, next he will be attending a play...How will those talking heads on CNN, MSNBC and all the other liberal "reporters" react when Obama does something they disagree with? How can they comment on the first black president and not be considered a racist? I am a Martin Luther King Jr./Ronald Reagan conservative. I judge people by the content of their character not the color of their skin and I love this country and believe that anything is possible if you are willing to work hard and sacrifice. Yes, there is a history of racial injustice but that is not unique to America, it is still happening today all over the world. My ancestors were captured, enslaved and died to help build this country, I won the genetic lottery and I am not going to waste it trying to figure out who doesn't really like me because I'm black. People don't like me because I am a conservative, because I'm black, because I married a white man, because my empty trash cans are on the curb to long, there are a lot of reasons not to like me but I don't allow that to define me. Black people call each other "brother" all day long but don't treat each other like brothers, 10,000 black men die each year at the hands of other black men but if a white cop makes a mistake and kills a black man that causes riots. Riot when you can't go to work because the drug dealers are blocking your path to the bus or when kids are on the way home from football and get shot in a drive-by. Tomorrow will a be wonderful day in, we have a bi-racial president because anything is possible, only in America. I wish my dad, and his dad had lived to see this day. Daddy and I would have had some heated conversations and I would have called him election day to concede. I was determined to make him a conservative, oh well.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I Love Cash Cab
Last week I worked out four days in a row. Friday, Saturday and Sunday were days off because my husband was out of town and I was the only driver. I felt good by the third day, I actually missed not going. This past Tuesday I worked out twice, once after Reagan's swim lesson and again when the boys wanted to go after school. Today was bitterly cold but I went. If I go in the late afternoon I watch Cash Cab. That guy is great and the characters that enter the cab are very amusing, they must edit out all the duds. Today there was one man who answered only one question correctly but he was thrilled that his wife was shooting out correct answers as if she had swallowed the answer book, they left with $1300. Another couple the girlfriend was on fire but the jerky boyfriend kept saying " I knew that" whenever his girlfriend blurted out the correct answer. Thanks to Mr. "I was about to say that" they left empty handed. Some men can't accept it when his women is out shining him. The show was still playing when my session on the treadmill ended so I started another workout on the computer, the time flew by.
Al Gore, Al Gore, Calling Al Gore, Where are you?
Global warming my eye, I have not seen the Inconvenient Truth, I will admit. I am no scientist but I am a Christian that believes that God created this amazing universe and how arrogant of us to think we can effect something he created. In my uneducated opinion it would be like an ant effecting my commute to work. We can tell you if it will rain (100%) the next day but they know that farting cows (God made them too) is changing the global temperature. Where is Al Gore? Conveniently missing. I love limousine liberals that tell you how to live, do you as I say not as I do. I will hang my laundry on a clothesline with my 3 inch nails, yeah right Babs, I love your singing voice but stop talking.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
It's is a Family Memership
My two boys ages 13 & 15 joined me for a trip to the gym. We were there for at least 90 minutes. I went for the treadmill again and they started with a pickup game of basketball. When I had five minutes remaining of my 35 minute session they started weight training. I thought it would be good to cool down by walking the track. I dutifully started in the lane marked "Walkers", I know my place. I don't run or jog on the treadmill because I fear that I am to uncoordinated and will end up on You Tube because someone caught my Lucy moment with a cell phone camera. I don't like running on solid ground because I never have run and I figure it is to late to start. Sure enough there was a young chippy lapping me in the "Runners" lane. At first I didn't give her much thought she looked about 23 so I was not going to break a hip trying to keep up with a fetus. A middle aged couple (about 10 minutes older than me) joined in and I realized that if I pushed myself I could lap them. I did that a couple of times and realized that young chippy was just ahead. My goal was to keep her in sight preventing her from lapping me again. In an effort to pass some kids I sped up and suddenly young chippy was arms length away so I passed her, yes I was running. I decided that I would quit once I lapped young chippy, so I found a second wind, put it in fourth and off I went. I was looking for her familiar thick ponytail, I couldn't wait to triumphantly leave her in the dust, but there was a problem I couldn't find her. Was she afraid of my heat, did I bruise her ego by passing her and she was now burning her Nike in the locker room or worst, was she behind me? No, it was a bladder matter, I spotted her coming out of the ladies' room then she picked up her workout next to me. I kept pace with her for one full lap and I declared myself the Winner!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Happy New Year
Of course the parking lot was full, there is nothing original about heading to the gym the first Monday of the New Year. The place was packed I usually go every Tuesday, my four year old has swim lessons. It was strange to enter the "Womens" locker room, I know the code for the "Family" locker room. It's a cliche but upon entry I was flashed by a 250bl senior exiting the shower, why? I located a locker and began to undress only to find out that I left my Ipod at home, I had my radio but talk radio was highjacked by college basketball games. During my ride to the gym I was desperate and turned to FM talk. Ron Reagan needs Jesus, what happened to him? Is he the adopted child? I digress.. I went to empty my bladder and the toilet splashed the back of my legs, I hate workingout. I had planned to speed walk the track around the basketball court but without a my Ipod I went to the tredmill area and luckily I found one available so I plugged my headset into the machine and hit the quick start button. I couldn't resist peaking at the two women one either side of me to see how fast they are walking. The women to my right was wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt and was kicking my but at 4.5mph, my personal best is 4mph at a 4.0 incline. She finished her workout put on a corduroy blazer, a ski jacket and left, I thought I was being Punked. I walked/jogged for over 35 minutes and now I sit here unable to get up from my chair. Oh yeah, I was flashed as I exited the locker room, next time I am keeping my eyes aimed at the floor.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Tributes of 2008
Every December I purchase the last People magazine of the year. I read the tributes looking for names of celebrities who died, most I was aware of but every year there are one or two that are missed, for example I didn't know Van Johnson died, I remember him in the original Yours, Mine & Ours, funny guy. Charlton Heston, Planet of the Apes, NRA and one of the few conservatives in Hollywood (for the record Arnold is a moderate, a true conservative would never marry a Kennedy)... The Bernie Mac Show was brilliant, I regret that Soul Man was his final movie..Allen Melvin, who played Sam the butcher and Archie's best friend, wonderful actor..Estelle Getty and the cast Golden Girls still crack me up...David Groh swept Rhoda off her feet..Tony Snow was a great voice for the Republican Party, I was thrilled when he was name Press Secy, his passing went unnoticed, liberal journalist Tim Russert got the cover of People...Issac Hayes a legend of 70's soul music...Roy Sceider had the courage to clear the beach when the mayor was only concerned about a shark scaring away tourist, very talented..Dody Goodman, the mother in Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, the messy secy in Grease and she stole the film by wearing her bra on the outside of her sweater in Splash..Harvey Korman (Chicagoan) together with Tim Conway made The Carol Burnette Show a perfect way to end the week..Heather Ledger so sad..Suzanne Plushette was sassy in The Birds, timeless in The Bob Newhart Show and killed as Karen's mom on Will & Grace...The best for last, Paul Newman, rough around the edges, sexy, firm, diverse, a real man's man. Rent Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, he and Liz were the most beautiful people on the planet during that space in time, I have issues with Brad Pitt but the man could be the next Paul Newman. You can't go wrong by renting any of his classic films, he was a movie star..
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